Page 4 - English Organic Forum Paper FINAL High Res
P. 4
Free ranging
2. The organic landscape Free ranging pigs on
- an overview Eastbrook Farm
Helen Browning Organics
Organic production delivers multiple environmental public goods. The synergies arising from
their simultaneous delivery is proven through numerous scientific studies in the UK and around the
world; it is evidenced by the daily experience of organic land managers. Organic systems strive to
operate within planetary boundaries.
• In the UK, in Europe and around
• The environmental benefits arising from an organic system include improved soil quality, reduced the world organic is the most
climate change impact, greater biodiversity, protection of wildlife and reduced pollution. comprehensive, well-defined and
regulated model for agroecology.
• Organic is a systems-based method of farming and growing, which uses Its global success speaks for itself.
husbandry methods to ensure health and wellbeing of animals, and There is widespread recognition
successful crop production without the use of synthetic pesticides and of the need for an agroecological
fertilisers. Organic husbandry typically involves both crop and transition, and organic is at the
livestock production and aims for a balance that operates forefront of this.
within ‘natural’ limits. Its legally regulated organic
standards guarantee robust environmental and • The trend for increasing consumer
animal welfare outcomes. demand for organic food continues.
Organic food sales through all
• According to latest Defra statistics channels account for 6% of the
(2019), 3.3% (300,600 ha) of land in food market by value. More than
England is managed organically by 85% of the UK population buy
3,788 organic farmers and growers . some organic food each year. The
An organic systems approach to land sector’s influence in amplifying the
management presents an opportunity importance of producing quality
both for Defra and for consumers and food that respects the environment
citizens who want to see more public and animal welfare is clear and has
goods provided by organic farmers great potential.
and growers in England.
• Despite the growing demand there
• There is widespread recognition that is not a direct read through from
Government investment needs be market to land area. Thus, each
targeted at successful market-focused £100 retail spend on organic food
farming approaches, including does not relate directly to a specific
organic, which provide environmental requirement for land area under
goods. The sustainability agenda organic management.
further requires incentivising farmers
to move to systems where their • Environmental and other
income from production also results organisations interested in
in environmental public goods, rather achieving greater sustainability
than those in favour of taxpayers in farming and food wish to
paying the full cost of environmental encourage more organically
protection and clean up. managed land in England. At
present the organic opportunity
• Organic farmers and growers have is not being exploited sufficiently
pre-empted the resource, health and in England. The EU Commission’s
ethical challenges, now facing all Farm to Fork Strategy has set a
farming. The organic sector has been target for 25% of Europe’s farmland
a testbed for systems, techniques and to be organically managed by 2030.
technologies that are being adopted more Resourcefulness OF&G This is eight times the current
widely across the agricultural sector. Organic area in England. In this paper we
can therefore offer a valuable source of systems Urban green waste propose a lower target of 10%,
innovation - crucial but unusual within farming. representing a three-fold increase.
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