Page 23 - Languages Victoria December 2019
P. 23

 Languages Victoria
for 18 years at Heany Park Primary School, including establishing two sister-schools, she has made significant contributions to various languages associations. Heather was also actively involved with the working parties for CSF 1, CSF 2, VELS, the VELS Progression Points and more recently the development of the current Victorian and Australian Curriculums.
Heather has been a member of the Victorian Indonesian Language Teachers’ Association for the past 29 years also holding the role of President for 7 consecutive years and Secretary for 3 years. Over this period, Heather coordinated state-level Indonesian teacher conference, Indonesian oral language competitions for students as well as editing VILTA’s newsletter, Suara VILTA. In her capacity as President, Heather liaised closely with the Consulate of the Republic of Indonesia for Victoria and Tasmania, especially with the Republic of Indonesia student and teacher scholarships to Canberra for the Independence Day celebrations each year.
Heather has held the position of Vice-President of the Modern Language Teachers’ Association of Victoria, Inc. (MLTAV) for 14 years. Prior to taking on the role of Vice-President she acted as the VILTA representative at MLTAV Committee Meetings. Throughout the duration of Heather’s long- standing term as Vice-President of MLTAV, Heather has taken on the
    MLTAV Hono􏰀a􏰀􏰁 Life Membe􏰀 A􏰂a􏰀d
Congratulations, Heather!
    Volume 23 Number 1   Page 23

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