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July 03 to July 09 2017 : Weekly News Magazine
          messenger         POLITICS                                                                25

                                                                              approach to the situation in the state. “Truth is
                                                                              that Kashmir is at the cusp of a fateful transition
                                                                              and considering the ferocity of the protests, the
                                                                              future  looks  ominous,”  says  Gull  Wani,  a
                                                                              political  scientist  at  Kashmir  University,  “The
                                                                              situation calls for a sustained political process
          On 17 October, J&K Government launched a   booked under Public Safety Act. Besides, more  rather  than  an  exclusively  military  one.  This
          massive crackdown in old town Baramulla and  than  300  employees  have  been  identified  for  approach  is  the  bane  of  post-colonial  South
          arrested more than 30 people. There were   their alleged participation in the protest rallies or  Asian states: dealing with insurgencies through
          house-to-house searches in a throwback to   found allegedly instigating the people. Five of  military  might  and  economic  development
          early nineties. The crackdown began at dawn  the booked employees are of gazetted cadre,  rather  than  political  engagement.  This  only
          and ended in the afternoon. Unlike the past,   one of them from the University of Kashmir.  protracts  the  problems  rather  than  resolve
          however, the people were not assembled at an                        them.”
          open ground and put through an identification  Forty employees alone are from the Department
          parade before a masked informer in a security  of Education and the others from Department of  Though  earlier  on  in  the  current  strife,  Prime
          vehicle. The crackdown followed shortly after a  Agriculture, Srinagar Municipality, Urban Local  Minister  Narendra  Modi  had  promised  a
          Chinese flag was hoisted at a protest march,   bodies etc. The Government has also sacked  “permanent  resolution  of  Kashmir  within  the
          first such development in Kashmir Valley ever.  12 employees.        framework of the constitution”, the subsequent
          Incidentally, the waving of the flag coincided   As the magnitude of the crackdown reveals, it is  developments  have  lent  little  credence  to  his
          with the start of the BRICS summit in Goa. The  of an unprecedented nature. Hardly ever before  words. In fact, there have been noises to the
          joined Pakistani and Chinese flag was   have the arrests been made on such a scale or  contrary. Soon after, BJP leader and the party’s
          emblazoned with the message: “Long Live   so many PSAs slapped in such a short duration  Kashmir  point  man  Ram  Madhav  favoured
          Pakistan-China friendship. Kashmiris are   of time. Not even during the three successive  tough action to control the upsurge. At the same
          waiting for your help China”.     unrests  until  2010.  Or  for  that  matter  in  the  time, he made it clear that the centre doesn’t
                                            nineties  when  Valley  teemed  with  around  seek  a  political  solution  to  Kashmir,  unwilling
          The surfacing of the Chinese flag has surprised  20,000  militants.  “This  has  never  happened  even to consider autonomy. According to him,
          many a people in Kashmir. Though Pakistani  before,” says Naseer Ahmad, a local columnist.  there was enough freedom and enough laws to
          flags  are  a  common  sight  in  the  protests  in  “If anything,  this shows  how  government  has  help  J&K.  Madhav  also  termed  the  talk  of  a
          Kashmir, Chinese flag has never been a part of  resolved to address the situation through force  political  solution  to  Kashmir  “romantic  in
          any  Kashmir  rally  before.  The  authorities  only”.              nature”.
          responded with a swift ‘90’s-style crackdown to  So  far,  the  disproportionate  use  of  force  has
          arrest  the  people  allegedly  responsible  for  taken an unconscionable toll: 93 deaths, around  However, as the unprecedented outpouring of
          hoisting  the  flag  and  prevent  the  prospect  of  500 blindings and 14000 injured. After the visit  the anger over the past three and a half months
          more such flags cropping up in future protests.  of the All Party Delegation in September, which  shows, a Kashmir left politically unattended by
          Though, there has been no fresh hoisting of the  ended up in a damp squib with separatist and  New  Delhi  and  at  the  mercy  of  its  security
          Chinese flag, the protests across Valley have  civil society groups boycotting it, the centre has  establishment, could very well be beyond repair.
          continued, so have the arrests. Across Kashmir,  shown  itself  loath  to  start  a  new  political  Though considering the depth of alienation now,
          police  has  arrested  more  than  7,000  people,  outreach.        centre  was  expected  to  extend  any  political
          around 4,000 of whom are from the four districts  According to observers, the harshness of the  hand, it has done anything but that.
          of  South  Kashmir  —  Kulgam,  Pulwama,  security response betrays New Delhi’s
          Anantnag and Shopian. Around 483 have been  “obsessive  preoccupation”  with  the  military
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