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 You Made Her Holiday Special...Thank You!
Your gift and compassionate care provided a child the opportunity to feel special during a very difficult time.
Holiday seasons are full of cheer and happiness...but for Ava, this holiday season brought
sadness and uncertainty.
You see, Ava’s mom is in hospice care, and she knows this might be their last holiday they get to spend together. Her wish was to make the day special for Ava and create memories that would last.
The Spirit of Giving Holiday Drive was a success because people like YOU care about The Rhode Island community.
Because of your generosity, Ava was able to get the exact toy she asked for from the Spirit of Giving Holiday Drive.
Now she has happy memories of playing with her toys and long- lasting memories with her mom.
Thank you for making this day special for Ava and other children like her.
Mission Statement:
Children’s Friend is the innovative leader in improving the well-being and healthy development of Rhode Island’s most vulnerable young children.
Connect with Us:
153 Summer Street Providence, RI 02903
SAVE THE DATE! April 1st, 6:00 a.m. - April 2nd, 6:00 a.m.
401Gives Day, a statewide day of giving.
For more information, visit

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