Page 2 - 2023_WinterNewsletter
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You can help Children’s Friend build new playgrounds,
                                                    make upgrades to existing structures, and enhance
                                                    our services. We invite you to make an investment in
                                                    play to support generational health in our community!

                                                        Learn more
                                                        L e a r n   m o r e

                              March                 401Gives Kickoff Party
                             31                     5:00pm - 9:00pm
                                                    Narragansett Beer
                                                    271 Tockwotton St.
                                                    Providence, RI 02903
                                                    R S V P   o n   F a c e b o o k
                                                    RSVP on Facebook

             Our Advocacy Priorities

             Advocacy is one of Children’s Friends’ five principles. We define advocacy as “taking a
             leadership role in educating policymakers and the public on the needs of the youngest
             and most vulnerable children and their families.” In 2023, we hope to deepen the public

             and policymakers' understanding of the programs that impact families and their children.
             We will proactively advocate for legislation, including the state budget, that will
             improve outcomes for children.

             With your support, Children’s Friend is prioritizing advocacy around substantial and
             sustainable investments in First Connections, Early Intervention, Head Start, and the
             Child Care Assistance program.

                                                        L e a r n   m o r e
                                                        Learn more

             Upcoming Volunteer Opportunities
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