Page 289 - The Truth Landscape Format 2020 with next section introductions-compressed
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Give Up Goals
These encompass such things as becoming a non smoker, losing weight, reducing alcohol intake, excessive spending, victim or caretaker type behaviours –
basically ridding yourself of destructive habits.
It’s a good idea to let everyone know your ‘give-up’ goals, or ideally a friend who shares the goal so you can encourage each other. If you want to give up
smoking, the more people you know, the more likely it is that someone will be around to keep you to your goal-plan when you get the urge to light up.
Deficiency Goals
These are the ones that only become goals when something is taken away from you, or when you realise not having this has an extreme detrimental effect on
your life and happiness. For example – your health. Many people take their health for granted, eating and drinking exactly what they want, not taking
supplements, not exercising, not getting regular medical check-ups etc. The attitude is, “I’ll start my fitness campaign tomorrow” and tomorrow never comes.
But one day the heart attack comes, and assuming they survive, health becomes their no 1 priority – it never got a look in before!
Five Essential Elements Of Goal Achievement
You will have come across the mnemonic SMART if you have been introduced to goal setting previously. It is used extensively in training sessions and means
that when setting goals they should be:
S pecific
M easurable
A greed or action oriented
R ealistic
T ime phased
Make each goal SPECIFIC – not “I want to be richer” – how much money specifically £100,000 in investments and £50,000 in cash? What is rich to you may
be totally different for someone else. “I want to end world hunger” is not a specific goal whereas “I see myself working for an international relief agency” is a
specific goal.
Set MEASURABLE goals. This is easy with goals such as weight loss or financial goals but “I want to be a better salesperson” is unquantifiable. What does
“better” mean to you? “I am becoming a better salesperson who will meet and exceed the target of a 10% increase in the coming financial year is SPECIFIC Page289