Page 326 - The Truth Landscape Format 2020 with next section introductions-compressed
P. 326
The single most valuable thing to remember about relationships you enjoy, is that they contain YOU.
The relationships that bring us most fulfilment and genuine happiness are those where we are truly free to be our authentic selves, the authentic self
that doesn’t have to pretend, tell lies, or wear masks.
Any relationship that does not have its basis in honesty and complete individual authenticity, is at the mercy of the opposite traits of dishonesty, lies and
deception. Truly happy relationships are those where the participants encourage each other to be completely truthful with one another, whatever that may
involve. A relationship cannot be anything more than a pretence until the participants both arrive at this level of honesty.
The origins of our true self go right back to childhood, before we were corrupted by circumstances, events and other people who convinced us that it was
normal, acceptable even, to wear masks, tell lies and practice deception to get through relationships with others. I’m not necessarily talking about blatant
downright lies, complete fabrications of personality or criminal type behaviour here, but these traits start with what appear to be innocent, small indiscretions
or “white lies” and once the habit is formed, CAN develop into worsened behaviour and before we know it, the line is so feint between the truth and deception
that we barely know the difference.
My whole purpose when preparing and presenting this project is to deal with truth in the related areas of happiness contained in each chapter. We read so often
and so many times find from experience, that only the truth will set us free. So many experiences in my life and the lives of others I have known, and from
my years of research and life experiences to date have led me to absolute faith in this point. I have yet to see a set of circumstances, when they are truthfully
and completely examined, where the absolute truth was not the most beneficial path for the parties involved.
“The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off.” - Mal Pancoast
“An unexamined life is not worth living” - Socrates - BC 469-399, Greek Philosopher of Athens
Anything that is not completely truthful and honest is a deception in whole or in part. This applies whether it is a relationship, an emotion, an action, a
remark, a promise, in fact anything.
Let’s not kid ourselves here. Not disclosing something to someone that your heart tells you, you really should, is as much of a lie as a blatant mistruth. By
deliberately not disclosing something that is relevant to your current relationship with that person is deliberately misleading them. They will form a belief about
you and the relationship that is not founded on complete truth. You may as well have told them the opposite of what actually happened or exists, because by
saying nothing when you should have shared this information, the probability is, that they will believe the best until you tell them otherwise. We may kid
ourselves that we’re protecting them from hurt, or avoiding unnecessary conflict, but in reality, that conflict will erupt at some time in the future.
The more we perpetuate the myth that little white lies or even whoppers are ok, or are necessary to avoid pain or conflict, the thicker the mask we create
between ourselves and our relationship partners, be they spouses, lovers, family, friends, colleagues or associates. So many relationships appear to the outside
world to be ideal and happy, and indeed they truly could be, once they have crossed the painful bridge of truth and growth. Page326