Page 372 - The Truth Landscape Format 2020 with next section introductions-compressed
P. 372
The greatest and most precious help we can offer to those we love, is to help them get in touch with their inner power and wisdom. This, at times, means
helping, and at others, means letting them struggle by themselves while we mentally pray for them.
For an enlightened spiritual being to see someone cry about some unhappy event in his or her life or fear some future possibility, might be like our watching
a small child cry or express fear. We sympathize with and understand the child’s feelings. We love it and we want to help it, but we cannot really be worried.
Those who experience this level of love sometimes may well be misunderstood, with others believing them to be uncaring. As we grow spiritually, we begin
to understand, however, that real love is a love for the soul within the other, which is seeking to free itself from ignorance and the illusion of weakness and
fear. These spiritually awakened beings offer help on other levels through their positive thought forms such as prayers.
In this way, help is given without undermining the others’ self-confidence.
Loving One – Loving All
When we limit our love to a specific person (we do not mean sexually, but rather emotionally, mentally and spiritually), it is difficult to experience love in its
highest form. We love this person and not others, focusing on loving them because they offer us security, pleasure or affirmation; or because we consider them
to be "ours."
Pure love is universal. It can express itself toward any particular being,
but it cannot limit itself to that person or group. If it does, then it is love mixed with conditions.
When we single out one specific person and limit our love to them, we are in effect, loving an illusion. That person which we love becomes a temporary
manifestation of the one Universal Being.
That form on which we focus is a temporary physical, emotional, mental manifestation that will dissolve back into the galaxy. When we love the essence in
that star, that is, its spiritual essence, we begin to love all stars. The same essence is in all the stars. The same spiritual essence is in all beings. When we love
the spiritual essence in others and not only their form or the specific benefits that we receive from them. We love the spirit within.
Our love now reaches the highest, purest level, both unconditional and universal. It is unconditional because it does not depend on what others do or do not
do, and universal because we start to love more and more people independent of their appearance, character and other factors. We love the spirit within
them. We as spirit are one with the spirit, which is within them.