Page 35 - Microsoft Word - Sparta A4 Product Flyers March 2020
P. 35

Commercial Legal (+/- Contract Work)                 Cover

         This is a legal expenses insurance contract designed to   o  The most the insurer will pay for any one insured
         provide advice and representation for your business and, for   incident arising at the same time or from the same
         some insured incidents, your employees, in legal disputes   originating cause is £100,000.
         arising out of your business activities. We will select an
         appointed adviser of our choice to deal with your claim.   o  The most the insurer will pay for all employment
                                                                     compensation awards is no more than £1,000,000
         Where it is necessary to issue legal proceedings or if a    in total for any one period of insurance.
         conflict of interest arises, you are free to nominate a legal   o  We will not cover any event or dispute you were
         representative of your choice (other than claims where the   aware of before this insurance started.
         insurer is liable to pay an award of compensation).     o  The insurer will not pay any costs incurred before
         Insured Incidents Include:-                                 we have accepted your claim or costs which we
                                                                     have not authorised in advance.
             1.  Employment Disputes                             o  There must always be more than a 50% chance that
             2.  Employment Compensation Awards                      your claim will have a successful outcome.
             3.  Breach of Restrictive Covenant                  o  Your chosen legal representative must agree to our
             4.  Defence of Legal Rights                             standard adviser’s terms of appointment and the
             5.  Protecting Your Property                            most the insurer will pay is no more than the
             6.  Tax Investigation & Disputes                        amount that would have been paid to our own
             7.  Personal Injury                                     choice of appointed adviser.
             8.  Jury Service & Witness Expenses
             9.  Statutory Licence Appeals
             10.  Recovery of Undisputed Debts

         •     Helpline services for commercial legal & tax advice
         •     Counselling on matters causing distress
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