Page 16 - January 2020
P. 16
JANUARY Fitness Class Schedule
We need a minimum of 8 people signed up for each class by the 20th of each month for the next month.
Please visit the Front Desk at The Retreat to purchase the monthly series for only $4.00 per class!
Classes Resume Tuesday, January 2nd
FITNESS CLASS Instructor PRICE Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Zumba Brandi $52 8:00am 8:00am 8:00am
Strong & Stable Lola & Brandi $36 8:30/9:30 8:30/9:30
Saturday Strong & Stable Brandi $16 9:00am
Pilates Brandi $52 9:00am 9:00am 9:00am
Total Body Conditioning Brandi $36 10:30am 10:30am
Chair with Flair Brandi $36 10:00am 10:00am
Tai Chi Peli Class Will Resume In February
Yoga Kelli $36 6:15pm 6:15pm
Set yourself up
for a successful year!
1. Think Small
It’s always tempting to make a resolution that will transform you by the end of next
year. But the reality is that it’s much easier to say you will get up at 5 a.m. each
morning to hit the treadmill than it is to actually do it. Only make a resolution that is
attainable. Otherwise, you are setting yourself up for failure.
2. Give Yourself a Break
If you cheat on your diet or skip a day of exercise, go easy on yourself. Keep in mind that this is a personal goal. If you really want to see pro-
gress, you’ll dust yourself off and get back on the wagon. Resist falling into a defeatist mindset and throwing in the towel after a small setback.
3. Visualize, Focus, and Commit
Understand that any resolution–even the small, incremental ones–require constant dedication to achieve. First, visualize yourself doing what
you set out to do (or not do). What environmental changes will this require? More often than not, what might seem like one resolution is actu-
ally many resolutions packaged together. Break them down and map them out. Then, focus every day on your behavior and remind yourself
why you chose to do this. It’s a daily commitment of energy and will, but stay positive and you can absolutely stick to your New Years resolu-
January 2020 Page 16