Page 23 - January 2020
P. 23
Retirement and the Art money around so it could start paying us back for all those years invest-
ing in our 401K’s. We bought a smaller retirement home, and a 5
wheel trailer with a big truck; to see the rest of the world we missed
of Running Barefoot! while we were working. We were also thinking in our spare time taking
in a cruise or three!
Pat Patterson VP Just to complicate life I volunteered to be on the HOA board at The
Club at West Park. Now the fun has started! There are no sprinklers
to run through just other members who are willing to play a game of
I must be dreaming, I can sleep in, have fun in the cold white snow or Bocce Ball. I have got to stop right there and realize that I am work-
ing again, although this time for free! The problem is that all the oth-
walk along the beach and listen to the waves crash. The difference of er members around me think they need to keep working. They con-
salt air at the ocean or clean crisp air in the mountains; catching a snow- stantly ask if there is anything they could advise or council at running
flake! Yes, I can it is a Wednesday morning and I am up early not be- the HOA. What about the long trips to the beach or mountain snow
cause my boss told me too! I woke up because I wanted too! adventures? There are some members that still do, cruises, hikes,
travel to Europe or Hawaii.
When I was young, I woke early in the summer because I was free to go
run in the cold sprinklers; build a tree fort, and not worry about paying I thought that our journey ended, and our retirement destination be-
bills. My hometown was Boul- gan! For me and a few oth-
der City in Nevada and was ers, it seems that we will
surrounded by desert; hot and not let our journey end.
dry in the summer. I walked We want to keep moving
out into the barren expanse to with our jobs as lawyers,
run after snakes and try to civil engineers, graphic
catch lizards; no water or sun- designers, managers, in-
screen! I survived drinking out spectors, and find ways we
of the neighbor’s water hose. I can serve. As a board di-
was free, very tan, and most of rector I am surrounded by
the time barefoot! others who also want to
keep working, consulting,
The boss nudged me awake or directing others in
and said, “You will never get knowledge they have mas-
that report finished at this tered. I thought we hired
rate!” No, I was not, but I people to do that like
could dream about it and how cruise directors, travel
I will someday retire and be agents, or KOA camp di-
free once again! After many rectors! What happen to
bosses, thousands of miles those dreams of my youth
driven, and 200 presentations and my dreams after the
later I made it. kids moved out?
Lost in our new world of
Oh, I forgot the three boys I retirement prison! Let’s
raised, or I should say, we get involved, like making
raised! I married first of course many years later we found ourselves cookies; no rewriting documents, updating the rules, interviewing
watching them walking their young wives to be, down the aisle. They all committee members. Where is the enjoyment and happiness? Some-
moved out and started their own adventures Ha, I bet they are thinking where in-between relaxing and new beginnings. Lessons learned
they could be running through those sprinklers! No, that was my dream when we were all young and running through those cold sprinklers,
they have their own, skipping school and water skiing at the lake! and someone else paid the bills. I still want others to pay the bills and
I want to go on holiday! What is your dream? Maybe somewhere in
For the last wrinkle there was that divorce! That was a big mess, no fun the art of your destination and satisfaction of freedom!
during that time. My recommendation is if you’re thinking of divorcing,
think again. It was like going through hell and back. The only ones that Retirement is to me: live simply, dream big, be grateful, give love,
won were the attorneys. and laugh lots! It is a trip back to my old house in Boulder City and
across the street with the big park. In this park were those Sprinklers!
All right back to retirement, now with my new wife we moved all our
Not a bad run on a hot summer day, barefoot of course.
January 2020 Page 23