Page 22 - August 2020
P. 22
sion about what kind of day you are going to day, becomes
Attitude is have and hold to it all day. Allow yourself to who and what
you are. Here are
see that it works.
some all too
Everything Now I know what some of you are thinking. common exam-
Why should I do this. I don’t believe in this
kind of mental magic. I’m not so egotistical,
that I believe I’m in control of my life. I’m not I’m not a morn-
You can do it.
doing it. I would feel silly. ing person
Do you want to be happier, healthier, more suc- You are convinced of this and are there
cessful, play better Bocce, be more confident OK, fine. Don’t do it, However, by not doing it, fore justified to be ineffective until after
about money, or just have more peace and joy you’re still doing it. You set your course. Your lunch.
in your life. You can and you can start now. It’s
not in control. This stuff doesn’t work for you
never too late. because you will see to it that it doesn’t. That’s If he does ____, I will be so angry
I started in early 1984. My attitude manifested why attitude is everything. It always works. And often he does and you’re set to
as anger, hostility, combativeness, sarcasm, and Your attitude manifests in every direction and blow
a generally hard-to-deal with guy. There were a reflects back to you. Good creates good. Bad I’m worthless until I get my coffee
lot of steps between then and now, some in- creates bad. This is easy to handle, just get the cof
volved religion, some did not. Eventually, I be- fee. No coffee – change your thinking.
came less and less angry.
For me personally, good creates good. Maybe I I’m no good at math
Can you do it? Yes you can! And you don’t slip occasionally, but not for long. I catch my-
have to be even half as nasty as I was. A mental self as quickly as possible and I’m back on And so it is. Now you don’t even have
overhaul lasting 29 years and counting can’t be track. to try.
summed up in one article and maybe not in one I can’t do stuff like that
Start Your Day Off Right. Decide to have a
good day. Have a good day. Boy, that was sim- This will render you incompetent. Now
However, here is one of the most vital things I ple. This month a little more complex but not someone else has to do it.
really. More like, a lot of people - me at one
have learned in that time.
I’m not that smart
time - don’t always think this way.
Rule 1 – Start Your Day Out Right Same as above. Now someone smarter
can get paid for doing this work.
Start be setting the course of your day. Do you Rule 2 – The universe always says yes
want to have a good day or do you want to have Your subconscious mind supports you in every- I’m too old
a bad day? Ask yourself every morning when thing you say and do. You may not agree with This one can accelerate your trip to the
you wake up, “What kind of day do I want to this because you’re not completely aware of the Pearly Gates.
have today?” If your answer is “A good day”, instructions you issue about yourself and your And you may be able to watch your children
then you have set your course Go out there and condition every day. There is a little voice in the and grandchildren perform this self-sabotage
do it. Enjoy it. back of your head that always agrees with every because so many of them don’t realize what
If you answered “I don’t care.” Or the classic thing you think or say. If you say “I feel rotten.” they are doing.
“Whatever” or maybe you simply shrugged. The little voice says OK, I support that. And so, It goes on all day. Remember Rule 2, you are
Then buckle up. Be prepared for anything that until something comes along to change this, you being supported in everything you say every
might come along, you just turned this day over will feel rotten. If you say “I feel great.”, the step of the way. The most important thing I can
to Fate. I think most people don’t even ask the little voice says OK, I support that. Now you tell you is that you are much more powerful
question. I think that what most people do is feel great. than you could imagine. Everyone is. It’s just
nothing at all. They just get up, charge into the Warning, don’t do this just one time and then that ‘everyone’ is constantly claiming and de-
day, and then complain about the results. come and tell me it doesn’t work. You may claring their limitations and being fully support-
Now if your answer is “A bad day.”, then have to practice this repeatedly. Mental trans- ed in each and every one of them.
formation is a process of continual improve-
you’re almost certain to get your wish. Just stop it.
ment. It is not a light switch.
Everything you declare for yourself is or will
This may sound so simple and it is. But the Rule 3 – Don’t program yourself for failure eventually become true for you. Just declare
truth of the matter is, very few people do this Especially when I was still working, I ran into what you want for yourself, not what you don’t.
daily exercise. Not enough people are aware this all the time. Elevators are a great place to
that, not only is this kind of thinking possible, it observe the human condition. What you declare
is also effective. It works. Make a serious deci- for yourself, particularly when you do it every Carl Lorentzen, Club Resident
August 2020 Page 22