Page 11 - March
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Shared Interest Group Announcements

                                         Bocce                                                              Chair Volleyball

                   This is the month it all begins for The Club Bocce 2020.  The  Chair Volleyball is played on Wednesdays at 7pm except the 1st
                   10 leagues have all but been finalized, and the Directors are in  Wednesday of the month. It's a great way to get together to have some
                   the process of collecting the $20 per person dues.  On the 25th  fun, physical activity, and a little competition.   No experience necessary.
         we will have an original meeting for the roughly 30 new players.  This is  Drop in or contact Dow Sager at 916-997-6543 for more information or
         followed on the 28th by a practice session on the courts, again for the   to be placed on the roster for updates.
         new members.
         Anyone still interested in joining should contact me, Jon Georgie at 916-                            Club Crafters
         740-2557.  There are still a few slots open and we'd love to have on
         board for this fun activity.                                            Join our group every Tuesday at 10AM in the Library.
         Remember--our first day of play will be March 30th.                     Whether you knit, crochet, color, draw, do needlework,
         To a great 2020 Bocce season!                                           card or jewelry making, or you just want to visit; we
                                                                                 encourage you to come. Whatever your craft or if you are
                                                                                 interested in embarking on a new skill, there are many
         The Bridge group meets every Thursday from 1pm to approximately         talented individuals who will teach and share their ideas. This is a good
         4pm. We are players of all levels and we're real easy to get along with!   way to complete that unfinished project.
         Any questions contact: Teddie Allison at or    Our ongoing project is making blankets for Sacramento Blankets for
         916-872-8705.                                                           Sacramento Kids. SBSK provides handmade blankets to children in the
                                                                                 Sacramento and Placer Counties, in addition to State and National
                                                                                 emergencies. The blankets are distributed to children in homeless
         We play the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month at 6:30 p.m.  Purchase    shelters, hospitals, schools, etc. We accept knitted, crocheted, sewn,
         Punch Cards before playing. All monies go to the prizes.  You'll have a   quilted, and no-sew fleece blankets from the community.
         great time and laughs and also socialize with your neighbors.  Please call  We continue to donate to Sacramento Shriners Hospital; anyone in the
         Janice Ingersoll at 1-916-212-0127 with questions.                      community is welcome to contribute. Please contact us for their ‘wish
                                     CRI Group
                                                                                 We recently added another charity, California Chapter of Afghans for
         The HOA Board of Directors granted CRI shared interest group status     Angles. This organization distributes baby blankets to hospitals for
         January 22nd.  So that’s a benchmark event.  Check out our group page   parents who have suffered the loss of their infant. Finally, we are still
         on the Club website.                                                    making crocheted prosthetics for breast cancer survivors.
         Our meeting in March will be on the fourth Thursday, March 26th at      All of these are great projects to give back to the community while doing
         7:00 p.m. in the card room at the Retreat. More to come about that      something fun with your neighbors. If you have craft items to donate,
         meeting later.   RSVP to Gina Stamper at         such as yarn, fabric, books, patterns, or unfinished projects, crafters are
         If you would like to become a new member, contact Alice Klang at        happy to take them. For more information about our group, projects, or                                                      to donate items, contact Denise Caputo at 916-782-1663 or email
         The workshop we held January 23rd was well attended.  Our members
         have been out walking precincts for Congressman Tom McClintock.
         Our own community precinct has been thoroughly covered and we
         walked a few of the neighboring precincts.  You may have noticed the                                Club Trekkers
         McClintock yard signs.  Thank you, volunteers.                                       The Club Trekkers will continue the format of having two
         Whom would you like to hear from as a guest speaker at a future                      sets of hikes with the first hike of each set on the 2nd and
         meeting?  We have some ideas, but we'd like suggestions from our                     4th Tuesdays of the month and repeating each of those
         members.  Contact Randy Nelson with your ideas at                                    hikes on the follow Saturdays.  Generally, the hike on the                                                                 2nd Tuesday will be about 3 to 4 miles and about 1/2 an
         Don't forget to vote!  Every vote counts.                                            hours drive from The Retreat, and the hike on the 4th
         Club @ WestPark CRI Group Steering Committee                                         Tuesday will be 5+ miles and could be a longer drive to the
         WE THE PEOPLE of The Club at West Park CRI Group (Conservatives,                     trailhead.  For March 10th and 14th we are planning to
         Republicans & Independents)  are dedicated to providing education and   hike the Monroe Ridge Trail at Marshall Gold Discovery State Historic
         information to our members, supporting politicians who share the ideals  Park in Coloma.  For March 24th and March 28th we plan to hike the
         and principles established and expressed by our Founding Fathers in both  Homestead-Blue Ridge Trail located near Lake Berryessa.  To get on the
         our Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, and to promoting  roster and receive emails with detailed information you can update your
         transparency, accountability and fiscally responsible government of, by   profile to indicate Club Trekkers as a Special Interest Group or contact
         and for its citizens.                                                   Barbara Allen or Mark Moore.
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