Page 17 - March
P. 17

A Bowl of Cherries and the Art of Retirement, Pat Patterson VP

                            What was I thinking! I left my  Patterson has been retired for the last 3   enjoyable for all. A walk is great to get out
                            job and now I am free to come  years, enjoys cruising with his wife Cindy   and meet your neighbors whether you have a
                            and go as I please. It’s like I   worldwide. Now you can go shopping on a   dog or not.
                            have this big Bowl of Cherries  Tuesday mid-morning when most others are    Ok, that is all well and good but where do I
                            and my dreams and don’t        working! Drive to the snow and really play   begin? It can start with your imagination!
                            know what to do first!         when most are hard at work during mid-       Seeing all possibilities, seeing all that can be
                            “Taking responsibility for be- week! These activities can be practiced with   done, and how it can be done, marks the
             ing exactly where you are gives you the pow- other liked minded people just like you!      power of imagination. Your imagination
             er to be exactly where you want to                                                         stands as your own personal laboratory. Here
             be,” ( That is all fine and                                              you can rehearse the possibilities, map out
             good but where do you start?                                                               plans, and visualize overcoming obstacles.
                                                                                                        Imagination turns possibilities into reality.
             “Nobody’s going to do your life for you. You                                               Ralph Jahr our Board Director at Large just
             have to do it yourself, whether you’re rich or                                             retired and enjoys trips with his wife Ann to
             poor, out of money or raking it in, the benefi-                                            Tahoe and trips abroad. Like Ralph and Ann
             ciary of ridiculous fortune or terrible injus-                                             your neighbors are friends you have not yet
             tice. And you have to do it no matter what is                                              discovered. You will need to believe in you.
             true. No matter what is hard. No matter what                                               Belief is the knowledge that we can do some-
             unjust, sad, sucky things have befallen you.                                               thing. It’s the inner feeling that what we un-
             Self-pity is a dead-end road. You make the                                                 dertake, we can accomplish. For the most
             choice to drive down it. It’s up to you to de-                                             part, all of us have the ability to look at
             cide to stay parked there or to turn around                                                something and know whether or not we can
             and drive out.”                                                                            do it. So, in belief there is power: our eyes
              (Motivational Quotes).                       As a homeowner you now have access to:       are opened; our opportunities become plain;
                                                           Community calendar of events, shared inter-  our visions become realities.
             Our Board Treasurer Doug Hanagan and his  est groups, free classifieds within our com-
             wife Susie work with Roman and yoga 3 days  munity, photo galleries of events, and special   Our Board of Directors have many back-
             a week in the Retreat. Now we have our new  events put together by Shannon our Lifestyle   grounds. Can you guess which ones? We
             Director of Operations MS Yelena Parikova.  Director, she is always open to new ideas!     have a Manager that worked at Kaiser Health
             She has blended well into our community and  Dan Ketchum our Board Secretary has been      Care, A Senior Electrical Engineer, A Nurse
             will work with the homeowners to facilitate   retired now for the last 4 years. Dan enjoys   that helps save lives, Creator of School Ad-
             our adventures and entertainment!             many Retreat activities like water volleyball   ministrations all over the world, and an FAA
                                                           in the summer. Dan and his wife Joanne also   Aviation Safety Inspector.
             Well we do have a way to know other people    travel to Europe to explore other people in
             just like you! We have a Retreat; a member    their countries.                             Start your realities with the staff and directors
             gathering place. I know what you are think-                                                of The Club at WestPark as partners in your
             ing I do not mix well with people! “There     What if your retirement is shared with anoth-  life’s journey. We are here to help you make
             will always be a reason why you meet peo-     er friend, your pup that you have now 24     your dreams into reality as comfortably as
             ple.” “Either you need them to change your    hours a day? Our Board President Bob Blan-   possible. So, let’s get started, no time to
             life or you’re the one who will change        ton has now been retired for the last 12 years.   waste, our journey begins today, we all know
             theirs,” (Lessons Learned). How about a       Bob’s wife, Mary Jo, is still working full time   that it will end someday just not today! Enjoy
             place that was just what retiring people just   as a Registered Nurse.  They both enjoy trips   your bowl of cherries, and share if you want,
             like you wanted to do? You know, going        to be with family and friends.               we will all work together at our discovery on
             places, play, and or discover things you never                                             life’s journey.
             had the time to do or experience? Retirement   Bob enjoys the community by walking their
             gives you the freedom to unearth desires hid-  dog Micki, and meeting other homeowners     P.S. Your Retreat is waiting for your
             den because you never had time or direction   along the way. We have dog waste recepta-    arrival, let’s have some fun!
             to try. Our Vice President on the Board, Pat   cles along Kennerleigh drive to make it more

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