Page 12 - March
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Shared Interest Group Announcements

                      Club Quilters ~ Quilters inspiring Quilters                                          Digital World Club

         We meet the 2nd and 4th Fridays of each month at 10:00 a.m.  Our focus  Join us at the Digital World Club meeting on Monday, March 2, from
         is to learn, create and have fun.  Many of our members create quilts to be  1PM to 3PM for a discussion and workshop on what to do after
         given to family members, friends and charitable organizations.  We have  Windows 7.  We will talk about options and look at some pros-cons of
         all levels of skill in our group and welcome anyone who wants to learn   each.  For those who are looking to replace Windows 7 we will invite
         about quilting.  We have “mentors” available who can get you started on  you to share what you are thinking and work together to explore the
         your first project and guide you to completion.                         impact of changes you could choose to make.  Or, not make.  For those
         For more information, please contact Carol Jurcak (361) 290-3222 or     not using Windows 7 feel free to join in the discussion to contribute your                                                   ideas and questions.  If you already know someone facing the same
                                                                                 uncertainties, you might be able to help them.
                                     Club Veterans
                                                                                 If you have any questions or want to schedule a one on one session for
         During the January meeting the Group                                    your computer problem, contact Rick Koehler at
         presented George and his wife Pat a                                                                 Hand and Foot
         memento from the Veteran’s Club for all the
         time, work and effort they both put into the                            Hand and Foot is a card game played Fridays at The Retreat, and has
         success of this SIG. Both received a very                               become a great success.  We have about thirty players every Friday,
         nice ovation for all their personal support                             playing from 2 pm until around 4 pm.  Cards are drawn prior to playing
         for the last five years.                                                to determine who plays together. (Players should arrive by 1:50 pm in
         At the end of a business meeting George regaled us with his career. A   order to draw cards so that play can begin by 2 pm.)  If you want to learn
         story in the US Air Force, not only was it interesting but he pointed at   to play, contact Pete Frates by email or phone
         many of his humorous experiences as well.                               (916) 749-3054.  Come join us to have fun, and meet new friends.  You
         We are back in the saddle again and ready for another new year of       are also welcome to come and observe how we play.
         projects and good times so please stay tuned in to this channel for what                          Helping Hands 2.0
         will be coming up as we move further into the year. In addition, we have
         provided an activity and project calendar in the Veteran’s section of the   Helping Hands has many events scheduled for this year, so SAVE THE
         Club website. Feel free to check it at anytime.                         DATES:
          All members of our community are invited to attend one of our meetings  Friday, March 27, 9-10am - COFFEE AND CHAT at The Retreat
         and please consider joining our group. You do not have to be a Veteran   Wednesday, March 11, 9:30-11:30 in the Café – Fashion Show Ticket
         to join or volunteer.                                                   Sales
                                                                                 Wed, April 22, 11am-3pm - FASHION SHOW AND LUNCHEON at
                             Club at WestPark Democrats
                                                                                 The Timbers
         At our February meeting, Jan Bell, Chairperson for the Candidate        We will be sending out emails to remind everyone of these events and
         Services Committee of the Placer County Democratic Party was our        we hope you will be able attend. Don’t forget to RSVP when you get the
         guest speaker.  In addition, all 6 candidates running for Central       email invitations.
         Committee Delegate spoke about why we should vote for them.             On Friday, February 28 from 6:30-8:30 at The Retreat we hosted our
         Our next meeting will be in the Wellness Room on Wednesday, March       ALL CLUB RESIDENTS SOCIAL WITH GUEST SPEAKER, Dr
         4th.  Social time starts at 6:30 to chat and share treats.  The meeting   James Abshire, MD with a packed house of residents attending.  He
         starts at 7:00.  Jackie Smith, Candidate for California Assembly District  presented his program “Live, Love, and Let Go”.  How to live and move
         6, is one of our guest speakers.  Also, Susana Tupper will be speaking   on when faced with illness and loss.  It was a very engaging program
         about the Pete Buttigieg campaign in California.                        with great advice and a dash of humor.  We served refreshments and
         Everyone is welcome to our meetings. Be sure to bring a friend.         presented a very informative program about the Helping Hands events
         Hope to see you all there!                                              planned for 2020, introduced the Helping Hands Team, and explained
                                                                                 how to become an active Helping Hands volunteer. Thanks to Vi
                                                                                 Nicholson, Patsy Idleman, Dolores Contreras and the HH Ambassadors
         MONDAYS & WEDNESDAYS @ 10AM CRIBBAGE IS PLAYED                          team for such a lovely event.
         AT THE CLUB UNTIL NOON                                                  We are gearing up for our annual Fashion Show and Luncheon to be held
         Come play CRIBBAGE with us every Monday and/or Wednesday from  on Wed, April 22 at the Timbers.  The theme this year is QUEEN FOR A
         10am to noon. We play two and three handed and partners with four.      DAY!  Ticket Sales for the Fashion Show will be on Wednesday, March
         Cards are drawn to see who plays with whom. If you have not played in a  11 from 9:30-11:30 in the Café.  Email announcements about ticket sales
         long time, no problem, we will go slow and reacquaint you to the game.  and the menu were sent out in late Feb and there is a poster in the Lobby
         We play to have fun and enjoy each other's company. If you would like   with information as well as Menu Choice slips on the Piano. You will
         to learn Cribbage drop in or call Alan Uman. Any Questions e-mail Alan  also see emails for donations for our raffle which is the cornerstone to
         at or call (916)872-8984.                                 this event and hope that you will contribute to make this year’s event
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