Page 33 - March
P. 33

MARK YOUR CALENDARS                             Raj Sing, owner of Roseville Cab, was recently   Police Station to ask an officer.  While the woman
         April 8th Spring Meeting                        recognized by the Roseville PD and Crime        waited in the cab, Raj came into the station and
         “CRIMES AGAINST SENIORS”                        Stoppers for averting a crime that saved a 92-  requested to speak with an officer. He waited for a
         Speaker - Supervising Special Agent             year-old Sun City woman from losing $25,000 to  while but finally was able to speak with an officer
                                                         the IRS Scam.  Yes, things do happen close to   who then spoke with the woman waiting in the cab.
         Neighborhood Watch holds two meetings annually                                                  Sure enough, it was a scam.  After speaking with the
         for all residents. This year’s Spring meeting is   home.  And there are good people out there.   officer, the woman believed she was being scammed

         Wednesday, April 8  at 6:30 PM, Wellness        Following is the Roseville Police Department    and decided not to pay the scammers. Raj took the
         Room.  If you attended our fall meeting in October   Facebook posting dated 2/11/2020.
         2019 with Placer Protect, one of our best       From time to time a good story comes across our   woman back home.

         presentations yet, you won’t want to miss our Spring  desk.                                     We love this story because several times throughout,
         2020 meeting featuring a supervising special agent  Raj Singh owns Roseville Cab. He was recently   Raj could have just taken his customer to her stop
         from the Federal Bureau of Investigation,       called to pick up 92-year-old woman from her    and not worried about her wellbeing. He took time
         Sacramento Field Office located in Roseville.  The   home in Sun City. He picked her up and started to   from his day and had the great forethought to bring
         Supervising Special Agent is presenting “Crimes   drive her to the bank.  While in route, he started   the almost-victim to the police station for an official
         Against Seniors.” He’ll explain scenarios, situations  talking with the woman who informed Raj that she   response. His quick thinking saved a senior citizen
         and examples of fraud, identity theft and its   owed the IRS $25,000 and she was headed to the   $25,000 and for that, we greatly appreciate his
         prevention. His name will be revealed at the April   bank to get the money and send it off to settle her   efforts.
         8  meeting.                                     debt.
                                                                                                         Roseville PD in partnership with Crime Stoppers
         IRS SCAM AVERTED – GOOD CITIZEN                 This sounded very suspicious to Raj.  He suggested   presented Raj with a $50 gift card to say thank
         AWARD                                           to the woman, this might be a scam. She didn’t   you. (Source: Roseville PD Facebook)
         City of Roseville, California Police Department   believe him. Raj pleaded with the woman to                           Mia Winter, Coordinator
         February 11 at 12:43 PM                         reconsider so they agreed to stop by the Roseville
              Neighborhood Watch is not sanctioned, endorsed, sponsored by, partnered with, nor considered a Shared Interest Group or committee of The Club at Westpark Community Association.
          Neighborhood Watch is an independent organization and is solely responsible for the content of this communication.  The Association has not verified whether information in this communication
                 is accurate. Views and opinions expressed in this communication do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Association, its staff, management, volunteers, or Board of Directors.


                                                                                                                 Duane Smith

                                                                                                             1+(916) 871-5587

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