Page 24 - June 2020
P. 24

Message from the Mayor:

                                                      Moving to reopen and looking out for each other

                                                         ryone is adjusting to new social norms and new  to one another as we get through this together.
                                                         ways of doing things—things that we used to    Family Meal Roseville
                                                         do without a second thought now take planning   Family Meal Roseville helps residents and
                                                         and intention.                                 businesses by purchasing meals from Roseville
                                                         As we move forward in a different world, we    restaurants and providing them to vulnerable
                                                         want to maintain the progress we’ve made in    residents in our community facing food insecu-
                                                         slowing the virus. A reopening doesn’t mean a  rity. This program launched just two weeks ago
          By John B. Allard II                           return to the life we once knew. Social distanc- (see video here) and received an outpouring of
                                                         ing, hand-washing and the other safety direc-  support from the community. A $50,000 grant
          Last week, Governor Newsom approved Placer  tives remain imperative.                          from the City’s Citizens’ Benefit Fund started
          County to move into stage 2 of reopening.      Instead, a reopening means learning to use new   the initial phase. With donations the first week
          Placer County was one of the first and most    processes in familiar places. We also need to   from Placer Community Foundation’s COVID-
          populous of California’s counties to receive   remember that it’s new for everyone and af-    19 Response Fund, Sutter Health, Rotary Club
          this approval. It happened because of positive   fects people in different ways.              of Roseville, Roseville Firefighters, and dozens
          health data and advocacy by our City at the                                                   of individual donations, the program is expand-
          County and state levels.                       It means considering that someone might not    ing this week to include more restaurants and
                                                         understand what you’re saying because they
          On the health side, I want to thank Placer     can’t see your facial expression or read your   more sites, serving 940 households weekly.
          County Health Officer Dr. Aimee Sisson and     lips behind a mask. They may not be able to    I want to express my sincere appreciation to
          the County’s Public Health Department for      hear you as well behind the plastic barrier that   Roseville Transit for providing delivery from
          their leadership in providing guidelines and   now may divide us. We can all be patient and   restaurants to sites, to Roseville Electric for
          explanations that helped our residents meet the   kind, and ready to speak a little louder and re-  their significant in-kind support, and to Bay-
          health criteria to begin a phased reopening. Our   peat ourselves if needed.                  side Church for providing 500 cloth masks for
          residents’ diligence in adhering to these guide-                                              residents and volunteers. Our city staff and
          lines significantly slowed the spread of the vi-  It means that traffic is coming back! Those of   their families are volunteering at school and
          rus so we were in a safer position to reopen.   us who have been enjoying the open roads will   community sites to deliver meals. At one of our
                                                         need to slow back down and drive safely and    school sites, teachers are volunteering to take
          On the advocacy side, our city pushed for au-  with courtesy. Our streets and roads belong to
          tonomy to open when it was safe to do so here,   everyone, from the new drivers to the older   meals to families in need.
          not based on health data in other parts of the   drivers who would rather stay safely at home   I especially want to recognize our dedicated
          state. We urged regional variance, and we also   but need to take care of critical errands. We   community partner, Health Education Council.
          pushed for the state to develop operational and   owe all of our fellow human beings this respect   This non-profit has been working with our City
          equipment safety guidelines for the eventual   on the roads.                                  through the Invest Health partnership for the
          reopening of all sectors of our economy.                                                      past four years. Family Meal Roseville is the
                                                         It means being patient and planning ahead. In-  latest result of the collaboration to improve
          Within days, we were encouraged to hear the    stead of the walk-in service you’re used to, you
          governor’s remarks reflect the kinds of actions   will likely need to make appointments and wait   health outcomes throughout our community.
          we were advocating. We sent a letter to the    a little bit longer for service. You may have to   Their organization is staffed with experts in
          governor’s office letting him know we support-  follow new walking instructions inside familiar   public health and experienced community or-
          ed this approach.                              establishments.                                ganizers. We are so grateful for their partner-
                                                         It means remembering that health officials rec-  This pop-up program is scheduled to conclude
          Phased reopening of our community              ommend wearingmasks.. Establishments serv-
          Last week, our community began a phased reo-   ing the public have a right to require masks and   June 12 due to funding allowances, and you
          pening.                                        to refuse service to those who don’t com-      can follow our progress on Facebook.
          This brings mixed feelings throughout our      ply.They’redoing their best to protect their em-
          community. Since March, we’ve heard from       ployees and their customers.                   Transparency and public access
          people with opposing points of view passion-   We are moving forward at the pace allowed. I   On March 17, we held our first City Council
          ately insist that their perspective is the correct   want to thank our incredible community for   meeting where the public was not in physical
          approach.                                      your civility and caring. At the city level in a   attendance, but the public was still able to par-
                                                                                                        ticipate via email, phoning in, and submitting
          The approach the City of Roseville is following  health crisis, we follow state laws. There is so   written comments. As we’ve been doing for
          is the law of the state. I’m asking for us to   much we can’t control about a pandemic, but
          show patience and grace with each other. Eve-  we can control the amount of grace we extend
                                                           June 2020                                               Page 24     continued on next page
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