Page 20 - Lidya Chen "Complete Book of Chinese Knotting"
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02 Four Methods of Basic Knots (17-27) 4/10/07 12:07 PM Page 17
Chinese Knotting
Fourteen basic Chinese knots are treat-
ed in this book, namely the (1) clover-
leaf knot, (2) pan chang knot, (3) round
brocade knot, (4) constellation knot,
(5) good luck knot, (6) Buddha knot, (7)
double connection knot, (8) plafond
knot, (9) flat knot, (10) creeper knot,
(11) double coin knot, (12) button knot,
(13) cross knot and (14) tassel knot.
These basic knots have numerous,
almost unlimited permutations, which
can be formed either from variations
of their basic designs or from a combi-
nation of basic knots. The knotting
techniques for producing many of these
so-called compound knots were taught
in Chinese Knotting: Creative Designs
That Are Easy and Fun! and Fun with
Chinese Knotting: Making Your Own
Accessories and Accents. In this book,
four major methods or techniques for
tying knots and nine ways of modifying
them are applied to each of the fourteen
basic knots. Each basic knot is treated
separately, with its various modifica-
tions derived from the major methods
and modification skills clearly shown in
words and pictures. Not only will this
strategy enable you to learn the knot-
ting techniques of many new knots, but
it will also allow you to fully appreciate
the concept of basic knots and lead you
to create new knots yourself.