Page 105 - Marlinspike Sailor's Arts and Crafts
P. 105


                Terms in bold are also defined in this glossary.      Cotton seine twine  Twine made from up to 120
                                                                          threads of cotton.
                Ashley’s flat knot  A woven knot (also known as       Crown knot  A knot used to make buttons and other
                    Ashley’s #2216) made of one or more strands that      items. Often combined with a wall knot.
                    can be tightened to decorate round or cylindrical   Diameter  The distance measured through the center
                    objects.                                              of a cross section of rope or cordage. For noncriti-
                Bend  A knot used to join two ropes.                      cal use, determine the diameter by measuring the
                Bight  A loop in a length of rope.                        rope’s circumference, or girth, and divide by three.
                Bitter end  The nonworking end of a line.             Drawn fringe lace  Needlework consisting of two
                Canvas  A tough off-white colored fabric woven from       stages.
                    threads of cotton.                                Eye  A loop spliced at the end of a rope.
                Carrick bend  A knot used to tie two different ropes   Granny knot  A square knot tied incorrectly.
                    together. Its design is similar to that of a square   Grommet  A ring of wood, rope, or metal.
                    knot.                                             Hitch  A knot used to tie cordage around a hook, ring,
                Chafe  To wear or fray a rope.                            or (in a decorative fashion) around an object such
                Chinese button knot  A knot used as a button or           as a handle or tube.
                    used to make decorative items such as bracelets.  Hockle  A condition whereby a rope strand twists on
                Clove hitch  A knot used to attach a rope to an object.   itself: also called a chinkle.
                    A clove hitch wraps around the object, with the   Kink  A tight hockle that upsets the lay of a rope: a
                    bitter end and the working end going in opposite      sharp bend that permanently distorts the strands.
                    directions.                                       Knot  A weak substitute for a splice, but easy to
                Clover  A loop tied in a decorative knot, also known as   unfasten.
                    a bight.                                          Lace  Highly decorated fabric. Used to embellish cloth-
                Coil  A neat circles of rope, piled to keep the loops free   ing or household items.
                    of tangles.                                       Lanyard  A length of small stuff, sometimes decora-
                Construction  Refers to the design of rope, including     tive, tied to an object to make it secure.
                    the number of strands, and the arrangement of     Lark’s head knot  A knot made by looping cordage
                    each in the strands.                                  or rope around an object and pulling the ends
                Cord  Refers to small sizes of ropes.                     through the loop. Also called a cow hitch.
                Cordage  A rope or ropelike material varying in size   Lash  To secure with rope.
                    from twine to hawser; in nautical handiwork, rope   Lay  The direction of the twists in a rope strand (see
                    of less than ½ inch (12 mm) diameter, or small stuff.  right-laid) that are helically laid into rope.
                Cotton  A member of the mallow family. When the       Leather  The skin of various animals, chemically treated
                    flower goes to seed, long fibers or staples are       in various ways to color, soften, and preserve.
                    formed to protect the seed and help the seeds     Macramé  From the Arabic work migramah (ornamen-
                    when they are eventually dispersed on the wind.       tal fringe). It first appeared as decorative knotting

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