Page 75 - Marlinspike Sailor's Arts and Crafts
P. 75
68 < Marlinspike Sailor’s Knots and Crafts
• The four four-strand sen-
nits that you made
• The four pieces of cable
that you cut from the rope
you made
• Five ocean plat knots
made with the 15 feet of
#18 cotton seine twine (in-
structions on how to make
the ocean plat knot are in
Chapter 7). The braids and
cables will cover the sides
of the frame, and four of
the ocean plat knots will
cover each corner (you
will center the fifth ocean
plat knot at the top of the
Once you have made all the
sennits, cables, and ocean plat
knots you need for this project,
follow these steps to put the frame
1 > To make the pieces fit together,
you will need to miter the
corners of the sennits and
cables. To do this, apply a
thin coat of white glue to the
The finished length of rope, still attached to the pencil. The other end of the back of the sennit or cable at
cable has been taped to prevent unraveling.
the lengths needed to fit the
edges (approximately 8-inch
two fingers of your left hand, 7> Tape the cable just short of and 6-inch lengths). Allow the
grasp the strand midway be- each end and cut off the ends. glue to dry fully. You can then
tween the pencil and the hook, cut the sennit or cable at a
forming a bight (a loop). Pass To make the cable to decorate 90-degree angle to create a
the pencil behind the hook and the picture frame, make up one corner without the work com-
back again, inserting it through long length of the cable, and then ing undone.
the bight of strand in your left cut it into four pieces. 2 > Glue the sennits and cables
hand. Don’t let the strands go onto the frame. The diagram
slack. Loop the bight over the Finishing the and picture show how to
pencil. Picture Frame assemble the frame.
6 > Grasp the strands with your fist
as before, and twist the pencil The frame we’re using here is a Finally, glue the ocean plat
counterclockwise until it stops. common 5 inch by 7 inch desktop knots over the corners, and glue a
The finished rope won’t unlay frame made from wood. To deco- decorative ocean plat knot on the
of its own accord. rate the frame, you need: top of the frame.