Page 18 - Atlas of Creation Volume 3
P. 18


                          As you have seen, evolutionists appeal to the fossil record to confirm their claims that living species
                     evolved gradually from one another. Yet even though 99% of the fossil record has been unearthed and
                     catalogued, they still do not have a single piece of evidence to support the claim of evolution. For that
                     reason, some evolutionists have attempted to manufacture their own fossils as alleged evidence for their

                     theories, though subsequently these "remains" have been exposed as either hoaxes or distorted misinter-
                          Fossils in the Earth's strata confirm the fact that all life forms have existed in their original perfect
                     state ever since they were first created. The Glasgow University professor of palaeontology T. Neville

                     George expressed this many years ago:

                          There is no need to apologize any longer for the poverty of the fossil record. In some ways it has become al-
                          most unmanageably rich, and discovery is outpacing integration … The fossil record nevertheless continues
                          to be composed mainly of gaps.    7

                          The paleontologist Niles Eldredge describes the invalidity of Darwin's blaming the insufficient na-
                     ture of the fossil record for why no intermediate forms had been found:

                          The record jumps, and all the evidence shows that the record is real: the gaps we see reflect real events in life's

                          history-not the artifact of a poor fossil record. 8

                          Many people have the mistaken impression that there is a positive correlation between the fossil
                     record and Darwin's theory—a misconception that was explained in an article in Science magazine:

                                                                                   A large number of well-trained scientists outside of evo-
                                                                                   lutionary biology and paleontology have unfortunately
                  EVOLUTIONISTS' FALSE EVIDENCE                                    gotten the idea that the fossil record is far more

                                                                                   Darwinian than it is. This probably comes from the over-
         The fossils that evolutionists present as evidence, in the face of millions  simplification inevitable in secondary sources: low-level
         of genuine fossils, consist of outright hoaxes, distortions, sleight of hand  textbooks, semi-popular articles, and so on. Also, there

          and deception. For example:                                               is probably some wishful thinking involved. In the
                                                                                    years after Darwin, his advocates hoped to find pre-
            - "Piltdown Man," strongly de-        F FALSE                           dictable progressions. In general these have not been
             fended by Darwinists for                                               found yet the optimism has died hard, and some pure
             many years and portrayed for                                           fantasy has crept into textbooks.   9
             40 years as major evidence of
             evolution everywhere from the                                               The American palaeontologist S. M. Stanley
              newspapers to school textbooks                     Piltdown Man        describes how the truth revealed by the fossil
              is one example of such a hoax.                                         record is ignored by the Darwinist mind-set that
              Piltdown Man never actually existed at                                 dominates the scientific world, which causes oth-
              all. The "fossil" consisted of a recently deceased orangutan's jawbone  ers to ignore it, as well:

              being added onto a human cranium.
             - "Nebraska Man" was depicted as evidence of evolution by evolution-     The known fossil record is not, and never has been, in
               ists on the basis of a single tooth—which actually belonged to a wild  accord with gradualism. What is remarkable is that,

               American pig!
              - The fossils in the fabricated "family tree" known as the Horse Series  through a variety of historical circumstances, even
                                                                                      the history of opposition has been obscured. ... as the
               actually consisted of wholly independent species that lived at differ-  biological historian William Coleman has recently
               ent times and in different areas of the world.
              - The fossil Ramapithecus and the Australopithecus series actually con-  written, 'The majority of paleontologists felt their ev-
                sisted of extinct species of ancient apes, which fossils were illustrated  idence simply contradicted Darwin's stress on

                                                                                       minute, slow, and cumulative changes leading to
                in a totally misleading manner,
               - And the illustrations presented by Ernst Haeckel as a basis for his the-  species transformation.' ... their story has been sup-
                sis that the developing embryo in the womb repeated the supposed       pressed. 10
                stages of evolution were fraudulent. This all left Darwinists with noth-

                ing with which to defend their theories.

                 16 Atlas of Creation Vol. 3
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