Page 183 - Atlas of Creation Volume 3
P. 183
Harun Yahya
Age: 95 million years
Period: Cretaceous
Location: Haqel, Lebanon
Despite having been scientifically discredited, the theory of evolution is kept constantly on
the agenda of certain circles. Accompanied by drawings of imaginary half-man, half-ape crea-
tures of no scientific validity, reports headlined "Missing Link Found!" announce every new
fossil discovery. Captions read, "Our ancestors were microbes," "We are no different from
apes," "Did we come from space?" and "Evolution in test tubes". The theory of evolution is
constantly depicted as having solid evidence to support it, one that can explain every aspect
of human life.
The fact is, however, that fossils demonstrate that such reports and the claims associated with
them are mere nonsense. As with the 95-million-year-old sand fish fossil pictured, all fossils
reveal that living species have not changed at all over millions of years—in other words, that
they never evolved. Faced with this reality, evolutionist propaganda is seen as nothing more
than helpless posturing.
Adnan Oktar 181