Page 278 - Atlas of Creation Volume 3
P. 278
Age: 95 million years
Period: Cretaceous
Location: Haqel, Lebanon
The theory of evolution consists of a hypothesis. In order for that hypothesis to be re-
garded as scientific it needs to be testable or else confirmed by findings. Yet evolutionist
fantasies lack these criteria. There is no significance or scientific value in the tales that
Darwinists have been relating for so long, about how invertebrates supposedly turned
into vertebrates, how fish living in the seas moved to the dry land as the oceans dried up,
or how dinosaurs chasing flies began to fly themselves. They need to point to a single fos-
sil of a half-invertebrate and half-vertebrate, half-fish and half-reptile or half-dinosaur
and half-bird—if any such exist.
Evolutionists are unable to point to any such fossils, yet there are a countless—and ever-
increasing—number of fossils proving that evolution never happened at all. This 95-mil-
lion-year-old fossilized mantis shrimp is one such example.
276 Atlas of Creation Vol. 3