Page 348 - Atlas of Creation Volume 3
P. 348
Sentinel Butte Formation
Age: 58 million years
Period: Paleocene
Location: Sentinel Butte Formation, North Dakota, USA
One of the proofs that plants never underwent evolution in any form is the fossil fern pictured
here. Many scientists state that plants have no common ancestor, and that all plant species ap-
peared suddenly on Earth in the absence of any evolutionary process. If there were such a sup-
posed "forerunner" species of the kind evolutionists claim, then evidence of this should be
revealed by now. Moreover, it should be possible to explain through what stages plants di-
verged from this supposed ancestor. So far, however, no evolutionist has come forward able to
offer any explanation in the light of concrete scientific findings. And none will do so in the fu-
ture, either—because, contrary to what Darwinists maintain, plants never underwent such a
process. Almighty and Omniscient God has created all plant species.
346 Atlas of Creation Vol. 3