Page 456 - Atlas of Creation Volume 3
P. 456

that when burning material was smothered, it hindered the
                                                                              expulsion of phlogiston, and so the fire went out. But in
                                                                                 time it was observed that metals did not shrink or
                                                                                   weaken as they burned, and so certain doubts grew

                                                                                     up about phlogiston's reality.
                                                                                          Towards the end of the 18th century, the at-
                                                                                      mosphere was found to be composed of several
                                                                                       different gasses. While some tried to explain the

                                                                                       different ways in which these gasses burned in
                                                                                      terms of the phlogiston theory, experiments per-
                                                                                      formed with oxygen showed the theory to be in-
                                                                                     valid. As a result of his observing metal burning in

                                                                                   oxygen, Antoine Lavoisier, a French scientist, dis-
                                                                                 covered that the weight of the burning metal in-
                                                                               creased, while the amount of oxygen decreased. His
                                                                           experiments demonstrated the source of fire. Objects burn

                                                                      when they absorb oxygen. The hypothetical substance called
                        Copernicus demolished the Earth-centered      phlogiston had never existed!
                        model of the universe proposed by Ptolemy
                        and adopted by the Catholic Church. The new       Another example of an historic scientific error is the "expla-
                        model portrayed the Earth as merely a part of  nation" for the origin of electricity. In the 1780s, Italian physi-
                        the Solar System.
                                                                      cian Luigi Galvani performed experiments with animals and
                  suddenly came across a new source of electricity—or so he believed. In his experiments with frogs, he saw
                  the frog's leg muscles contract when in contact with metal. As a result, he concluded that metal extracts
                  electricity from the muscles and nerves of animals.

                       Galvani had performed this experiment on one single leg with one piece of metal. However, Alessandro
                  Volta, a colleague of his who suspected the real explanation behind this experiment, began his own work on
                  the subject. He attached two ends of a wire to a frog's leg and observed no muscular contraction. After this,
                  Volta went on to refute the proposal that electricity came from a frog or any other animal. Electricity is pro-

                  duced by a stream of electrons, and metal conducts the electrons more easily. The theory of "animal elec-
                  tricity" was simply an error of a particular moment in history.
                       These examples clearly show that in the past, some totally wrong claims have been made about
                  processes that are very well known today. Scientists have been caught up in various errors either because of

                  the unsophisticated research equipment of their time, their limited understanding, or because of their own
                  prejudices. Among such scientific errors, the greatest—and most enduring—historic example is one theory
                  put forward concerning the origins of life. This theory's illogical claims have exerted a much greater influ-
                                                                                     ence than any of the examples given above. This

                                                                                            error, called Darwinism, unites a materialist
                                                                                              world view with a belief in evolution.
                                                             Once upon a time, frogs were           At one time, with insufficient evi-
                                                             also the subject of a scientific     dence at hand, some people regarded
                                                           error that deceived evolutionists.
                                                                                                   this theory as scientific. Charles
                                                                                                  Darwin's book The Origin of Species was
                                                                                                 known to be inconsistent, even at the
                                                                                                time of its publication in 1859, but it

                                                                                                awakened interest in some circles.
                                                                                              Darwin made his assumptions without
                                                                                             the benefit of genetics or biochemistry. But
                                         Luigi Galvani                                      the mistaken claims he made, based on the

                                                                                           then-insufficient fossil record, were avidly

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