Page 496 - Atlas of Creation Volume 3
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that shaped the theory. Interestingly, none of these "admissions" from the world of paleontology has been
reported in the media. On the contrary, a few media organizations carefully hide the dilemma that
Darwinism has come up against and instill the deception that new proofs for evolution are discovered
every day. Jonathan Wells, an American biologist, received two Ph.D.s, one from Yale University, and one
from the University of California at Berkeley. In his 2000 book, Icons of Evolution, he outlines this propa-
ganda mechanism:
The general public is rarely informed of the deep-seated uncertainty about human origins that is reflected in
these statements by scientific experts. Instead, we are simply fed the latest version of somebody's theory, with-
out being told that paleoanthropologists themselves cannot agree over it. And typically, the theory is illustrated
with fanciful drawings of cave men, or human actors wearing heavy makeup... It seems that never in the field of
science have so many based so much on so little. 38
Media organizations defending Darwinism claim in their headlines that "human evolution is now a
proven fact." But who are the scientists writing in newspapers and appearing on television to make these
groundless claims? Why do they disagree with those scientists who think that paleoanthropology is un-
In a speech given at a meeting of the Biology Teachers Association of South Australia, evolutionist Greg Kirby
explained their psychology:
If you were to spend your life picking up bones and finding little fragments of head and little fragments
of jaw, there's a very strong desire there to exaggerate the importance of those fragments. . . 39
These are some of the factors that keep the myth of human evolution alive, even though it has evidently
found no scientific support. And every new fossil discovered thrusts the evolutionist thesis about human
origins deeper into doubt.
The Admission that There is no "Missing Link"
The latest example showing the impasse confronting evolutionist theses was a fossil skull discovered in
the Central African country of Chad by the French scientist Michel Brunet, who called it Sahelanthropus
In the world of Darwinism, this fossil caused a division of opinion. The well-known magazine Nature
admitted that "new-found skull could sink our current
ideas about human evolu-
tion." 40
Daniel Lieberman of
Harvard University said
that "this [discovery] will
have the impact of a
small nuclear bomb." 41
The reason was that, al-
though this fossil was 7
million years old, it had
a more "human" struc-
The Sahelanthropus skull over-
turned the evolutionary scheme
because of its more "human"
features despite being older
than Australopithecus.
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