Page 503 - Atlas of Creation Volume 3
P. 503

Harun Yahya

                 Gitt's words state the same conclusions
             arrived at by the so-called Information
             Theory, developed within the last few

             decades to investigate the origin and struc-
             ture of information in the universe, and ac-
             cepted as part of thermodynamics. After long
             research, it arrived at the conclusion that infor-
             mation is different from matter, that it can never be

             reduced to matter, and that the sources of information
             and matter must be investigated separately.
                 As we saw earlier, scientists who have investigated

             DNA's structure have stated that it contains a "magnificent"
             information. Since this information cannot be reduced to mat-
             ter, it must originate in a source beyond matter.
                 George C. Williams, one of the proponents of the theory of evolu-
             tion, admits that most materialists and evolutionists do not want to ac-

             cept this result. Williams had been a strong advocate of materialism for
             many years, but states in an article written in 1995 that the materialist (re-
                                                                                                                         It is literally supersti-
             ductionist) outlook that supposes that everything is matter is wrong:                                         tious to accept the
                                                                                                                         claim that natural phe-
                 Evolutionary biologists have failed to realize that they work with two more or less
                                                                                                                           nomena produce
                 incommensurable domains: that of information and that of matter. . . These two do-                          genetic data.

                 mains will never be brought together in any kind of the sense usually implied by the
                 term "reductionism." . . . The gene is a package of information, not an object. . . In biol-
                 ogy, when you're talking about things like genes and genotypes and gene pools, you're talking about infor-

                 mation, not physical objective reality. . . This dearth of shared descriptors makes matter and information two
                 separate domains of existence, which have to be discussed separately, in their own terms.         50

                 Reductionism is the product of the 18th and 19th centuries' unsophisticated science. This fundamen-
             tal deception of Darwinism presupposed that life is so simple that its origins can be explained in terms of
             random occurrences. But 20th-century biology has shown that exactly the opposite is the case. Phillip
             Johnson, retired professor of the University of California at Berkeley and one of Darwinism's contempo-

             rary critics, explains that Darwinism has neglected information as the foundation of life and this has led
             it into error:

                 Post-Darwinian biology has been dominated by materialist dogma, the biologists have had to pretend that or-
                 ganisms are a lot simpler than they are. [According to them] Life itself must be merely chemistry. Assemble
                 the right chemicals, and life emerges. DNA must likewise be a product of chemistry alone. As an exhibit in the

                 New Mexico Museum of Natural History puts it, "volcanic gasses plus lightning equal DNA equals LIFE!"
                 When queried about this fable, the museum spokesman acknowledged that it was simplified, but said it was
                 basically true. 51

                 However, these primitive and superficial suppositions all turned out to be without substance. As
             pointed out in this book's first chapter, even the cell, the most basic and the smallest form of life, is more

             complex than could ever have been imagined previously, and has been acknowledged to contain mag-
             nificent "information." It has been demonstrated how uninformed were the efforts to reduce information
             to matter (for example, the formula: volcanic gasses+lightening=DNA=life). Johnson explains the situa-
             tion of those "reductionist" scientists who worked to reduce information to matter:

                 Reductionist biologists are not looking at reality, but only at life as it would have to be if the reductionist pro-

                 gram is to succeed. It's the old story of the drunk who lost his car keys in the bushes, but was looking for them
                 under the street lamp instead because "there's enough light to see them over here."        52

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