Page 615 - Atlas of Creation Volume 3
P. 615
Harun Yahya
years of peace, the world would turn into "an orchard that has not known the pruning hook for many
an autumn and has rioted in unchecked overgrowth for endless years." 76
Keith's words indicate just how ruthless Darwinist suggestions can make people. Keith believed that
the world needed to be "pruned" from time to time, that those "elements" that delayed the strengthen-
ing of the world needed to be cut away and discarded. He was openly supporting savagery. The "prun-
ing" referred to by Keith was war, and those who died in war, whom he felt needed to be discarded, were
helpless men and women and children. Those taken in by the deceptions of Darwinism feel no sympa-
thy for these innocent people. The theory that in order to strengthen and develop the white race, those
regarded as weak may be eliminated led to cruelties never seen before.
Social Darwinism's twisted views are one of the main reasons for the wars, The Darwinist claim that
conflict and slaughter that have continued unabated since the 19th century. As a conflict is an essential part
of human nature encourages
result of the constant calls for war, even some who knew nothing about Social
war between nations. Yet the
Darwinism fell under its spell. impact of wars have on
In the early 20th century, those who came to believe that war was essential innocent civilians is obvious.
were not just a group of marginal ideologues, but a
great many journalists, academics, politicians and
civil servants. 77 They encouraged the eradication of
women, children, the elderly and the needy, and the
heedless expense of young lives on the battlefield
supposedly for the "benefit of humanity."
These views were shared at the very highest lev-
els. For instance, German Chancellor Theobald von
Bethmann-Hollweg subscribed to the belief, common
among the middle class when World War Ibegan, that
conflict between Slav and Teuton was inevitable. 78
The Kaiser is known to have held similar views.
Many historians regard the wicked claims that
war was unavoidable and the cleansing of
inferior races was natural and useful as
some of the principal causes of World
War I.
The philosopher Friedrich
Nietzsche was also one of
the most known sup-