Page 177 - Atlas of Creation Volume 2
P. 177
Harun Yahya
In describing the imaginary evolution of
birds, evolutionists for years used the
bird known as Archæopteryx as evidence.
All the subsequent scientific findings
made, however, show this claim to be un-
true. The Conficiusornis fossil is another
piece of evidence showing that
Archæopteryx cannot be the supposed
forerunner of birds.
This bird, from the same period as
Archæopteryx (around 140 million years
ago), has no teeth. Its beak and feathers have the same characteristics as those of present-day birds. Its
skeletal structure is also identical to that of modern-day birds, and it has talons on its wings, as does
Archæopteryx. The structure known as the pygostyle, which supports the tail feathers, is also present in
this bird. In short, this creature, the same age as Archæopteryx—which evolutionists regard as the old-
est supposed forebear of birds, as being half-reptile and half-bird—bears a very close resemblance to
modern-day birds. This fact refutes evolutionist theses to the effect that Archæopteryx is the primitive
forerunner of all birds.
Adnan Oktar 175