Page 193 - Atlas of Creation Volume 2
P. 193

Harun Yahya
               If the Darwinists' claims were true, then a great
               many other animals famed for their high speed

               also would chase flies, and lions, leopards,
               cheetahs and horses should also one day have
               grown wings and started flying. Darwinists
               adorn these claims with scientific and Latin

               terminology, and millions of people naively
               believe them. The fact is, though, scientific
               findings openly and clearly reveal the in-
               validity of evolutionist claims. Not a

               single example of a living thing gradu-
               ally acquiring wings has ever been
               encountered in the fossil record.              Specimens of winged
               Research reveals that any such                 insects are frequently
                                                              encountered in the fos-
               transition is impossible.
                                                              sil record, some of
                                                              which are 300 million

             ACCORDING TO THE EVOLUTIONIST                    years old. The fossil
             DREAM—OR RATHER, NIGHTMARE—,                     march fly in the picture
             THIS SHOULD BE THE CASE                          is 50 million years old.
             Believing in Darwinist claims regarding
             the origin of flight means believing that
             cheetahs will someday gain wings and

             fly, and that tigers will one day turn
             into giant birds. No rational person
             could ever accept such an irrational

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