Page 76 - Atlas of Creation Volume 2
P. 76

Evey fossil that evolutionists have produced to date as proof of
                                                                               evolution has been either fake or irrelevant. Whenever they un-
                                                                               earth the fossil of an extinct creature, they announce it with slo-
                                                                               gans as "a newly discovered horse" or "the missing intermediate
                                                                               form." But when these fossils projected as a proof are subjected
                                                                               to serious investigation, they are immediately found to have no
                                                                               relevance to evolution.

                  So far, milllions of fossils have been discovered
                  throughout the world, and none indicates that evolu-
                  tion ever occurred on Earth. But these fossils, proving
                  that evolution is unscientific and that Creation is an
                  undeniable fact, are mostly hidden away in musem
                  storerooms and never displayed.

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