Page 84 - Atlas of Creation Volume 2
P. 84
Age: 50 million years
Period: Eocene
Location: Messel Shales, Germany
This frog belongs to the family of Pelopatidae, or mud burrowers. Some members of this
family use their back legs to burrow under mud, and others live in an aquatic environ-
ment. Darwinists claim that fish are the ancestors of amphibians, but they offer no proof to
support this claim. On the contrary, scientific discoveries show that there are such impor-
tant anatomical differences between the two species that it is impossible for amphibians to
have evolved from fish.
One of these scientific discoveries is the fossil record. According to the fossil record, the
three basic classes of amphibian all appeared at once. The evolutionist Robert Carroll says,
82 Atlas of Creation Vol. 2