Page 31 - The Prophet Yusuf (as)
P. 31

Prophet Yusuf's Childhood (as)

                Another representation of Prophet Yusuf's brothers. Their jeal-
                ousy of the Yusuf (as) was so fierce that they were able to ruth-
                lessly throw him into a well, despite his youth.

                     The key to understanding Allah’s ability to reveal the hith-
            erto "unknown" with events transpiring in exactly the way He re-

            vealed them, is to appreciate that everything that is unknown to us has
            already taken place in the timeless presence of Allah , and is already
            over and done with. The "unknown" applies to human beings. It is

            Allah, Who is unconfined by time and space, Who creates and knows
            everything. He has created all of time and all of history as a single in-

                     We must not forget this truth as we move on to consider the
            next part of Prophet Yusuf’s (as) life story. Everything that happens
            does so in line with the will of Allah, and for believers there is good in

            everything that takes place. Following every difficulty and tribulation
            requiring patience, Allah gives well-being and blessings in this world
            as well as recompense in the hereafter. For that reason, events that

            appear to be "evil" from the outside, such as being enslaved, thrown

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