Page 61 - The Prophet Yusuf (as)
P. 61

Prophet Yusuf's New Life (as)

            maculate Muslim who valued above all else the good pleasure of Allah,
            and firm adherence to His commandments and prohibitions. As we are
            told in several Qur’anic verses, people far removed from the religion

            have always harboured a similar hostility towards believers.
                     In the same way that the throwing of the innocent Prophet
            Yusuf (as) into the dungeon shows what an unjust legal system pre-

            vailed in Egypt, it also indicates the moral degeneration that was pre-
            sent in society as a whole at the time.

                     "ALL PLOTTING BELONGS

                     TO ALLAH"

                     Superficially, the events we have so far described might be
            regarded as "disasters" experienced by Prophet Yusuf (as). A look at
            the heart of the matter, however, shows that it was Allah who brought

            all of this about and ordered events. As we stated earlier, these inci-
            dents were all part of Prophet Yusuf’s predetermined destiny, and
            were all highly auspicious for him (as). Indeed, someone who under-

            goes such a test as being innocently imprisoned and yet remains pa-
            tient and submissive to the will of Allah under such conditions, is
            someone who possesses true God concsiousness. It is clear that such a

            person will gain the love and good pleasure of Allah . From that point
            of view, Prophet Yusuf’s imprisonment was very far from being an
            evil thing or a tragedy; it was, on the contrary, a most positive occur-

                     Furthermore, this story draws attention to the way that un-
            believers or mischief-makers come together to set traps for believers.

            These people, however, as we have already made clear, can never ac-

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