Page 24 - Portfolio_Reza N.alizadeh
P. 24
Specific Architectural Design of an Earthquake Disaster Management Multi-Purpose Complex (EDMMC)
Architectural Design
In this building, The performance of spaces such as the
minimum area for settlement, Minimum number of toilets,
Minimum basic survival water needs (Size of water storage)
are all designed in accordance with ‘Sphere Project Book’
(Minimum Standards in Disaster Response) by Red Cross. Coverage Area
Total Coverage : 350 Persons
This EDDMC Center Could Cover 1000 Wounded People for 7 Days.
Before Earthquake After Earthquake Permanent Area The Coverage Area is Shown in the map of region 6
Research Room
Playing Room
Food Court
First Floor Plan In case of emergency, folding doors would be opened
for connecting the different areas to each other. 24