Page 2 - Area VI - Compliance Report
P. 2


                 Cite as many best practices as you can on Parameter D (Community
                   Involvement and Participation in the Institution’s Activities).

                      Principles of Chain of Command and Unity of Command were properly observed
               to maintain harmonious relationship among and between the different offices.

                   5.  EXTENT of COMPLIANCE with the Team Recommendations for Area VI –
                       Extension and Community Involvement in the last Survey visit.

                  Present the status of compliance Matrix of Area VI focusing on interventions
                    done on the recommendations

                                 FINDINGS                     ACTION TAKEN               Rating  of


                                 The program is geared        The BSForestry             100
                                 towards improvement of  program maintained
                                 quality of life of target    commitment to the
                                 beneficiaries in the         attainment of the
                                 nearly communication of  university’s goals
                                 the institution              towards sustainable

                                 There is an in place         Continuous                 100
                                 need and priority            coordination with the
                                 assessment making            community and
                                 extension activities         stakeholders to identify
                                 responsive and               rationalized extension
                                 appropriate to the need      services to clientele
                                 and interest clienteles

                                 There is a strong            Maintenance of             100
                                 commitment among             commitment among
                                 faculty and student in       faculty and students in
                                 the conduct of extension  the conduct and
                                 activities ensuring that     understanding
                                 this basic function of the  extension activities as
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