Page 15 - Mar-Apr 2020
P. 15

Teresa Miolla & Christine Short, Co-Chairs
 Have you heard the news?
The Royal Canadian Yacht Club will be hosting the 2020 North American VX One Championship Regatta September 10-13th 2020. This is the fifth North American regatta and the first to be held in Canada since inception of the class and we’re pretty excited.
The VX One fleet in Toronto is comprised of 21 boats, 18 of which call RCYC home. This number may be growing as there is potential for another bulk purchase which would be expected to arrive from the UK in early 2020. The fleet is a diverse community of ages,
genders and experience which really adds to the flavour of enjoyment. The success of the fleet is that after each race and training session they hold casual debriefs where outcomes of the good, the bad and the ugly are shared.
The VX One is 19 feet long with a retractable keel and described as a fun “sport boat’ requiring physicality along with some multi-tasking skills. Teams are made up of either two or three members - it’s a weight thing – which may be a touchy subject right after the holidays either way, there is never a dull moment.
This past September, Newport Sailing Club hosted the North Americans and eight boats from RCYC made the trek competing against 36 boats on the start line. The 2020 organizers are planning to host 40 boats for the first time Canadian event. Preparations have already begun along with planning sessions. In the spring of 2020, the I14 and VX One fleets will combine efforts and refresh the dinghy dock area as this will be the primary social and briefing area for the regatta.
We’d love to have as many Members involved as possible. If you want to volunteer, sponsor, lend your keel or motorboat for accommodations or watch the racing, please contact us.
If you are interested in more information on the special price group buy from the UK please contact Paul Currie at

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