Page 24 - CONSTRUCTION VISION July August 2017 issue
P. 24


           ndia is seen as a "bright spot" for the   made to existing steel mills and state-owned   For instance, according to the World Bureau
           global steel production growth on   companies stepping in to build new steel   of Metal Statistics, in 2016, India's steel
        Iaccount of the government's push to   plants," it said.                   output grew by 7.4 per cent y-o-y.
        augment capacity and demand from the   "India will be the global steel production
                                                                                   "We forecast India's steel output to average
        construction, automotive and infra sectors,   growth bright spot as demand from the
                                                                                   annual growth of 8.9 per cent during 2017-
        says a report.                       construction, automotive and infrastructure
                                                                                   2021, higher than 2.9 per cent during 2012-
                                             industries continues to accelerate," it added.
                                                                                   2016," the report said.
        The firms like SAIL and Tata Steel are
        expected to drive the steel output growth,   Key companies, it said, that will drive growth
                                                                                   India's steel output will grow from 88.4
        according to the report by BMI Research, a   are Steel Authority of India Ltd (SAIL) and
                                                                                   million tonnes (MT) in 2017 to 128.6 MT by
        Fitch group company.                 Tata Steel.
                                                                                   2021, it added.
                                             The latter which aims to boost sales in the
        "The government has been spearheading
                                             automotive segment with the migration of   The country's share of global steel
        the push towards the boost in steel
                                             production towards higher-end steel   production will accelerate from 5.4 per cent
        production capacity, with upgrades being
                                             products.                             in 2017 to 7.7 per cent in 2021, it added.
                          JULY-AUGUST 2017
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