Page 5 - newsleter II
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      We are all representatives of Kloeckner   humility and open communication, and   we are one team, and like any football
      and should wear our colors together    in trust and respect. I fully believe that   team in a competitive game, we are only
      proudly. We should strive for the best in   we are our brothers’ and sisters’ keepers  as strong as our weakest link, so we
      ourselves by embracing the Kloeckner   and no program encapsulates that more   must do all we can to empower and hold
      values and holding ourselves and our   than our close call card program, just   ourselves accountable to our team. If
      colleagues to the same strategic vision   one facet of Safety ALWAYS, which from  we all know the game plan, embrace the
      that will make us a strong, unified, and   2018 to 2019 saw a 38% reduction in   strategy, and do our part, then excel-
      unbeatable team.                       total injuries, a 28% reduction in restrict-  lence will be within our reach.
                                             ed duty injuries, and a 60% reduction in
                                             lost time injuries, all spread over 12,500
      At the foundation of our KMC 2022      close call cards.                     But while we strive for perfection ev-
      Continuous Improvement strategy are                                          eryday, we also admit our humility and
      our values and principles. After my last                                     understand that creating a culture that
      newsletter, these shouldn’t be strange   To me, that’s everything. It’s safety, it’s   encourages transparent, honest feed-
      to you. We are team players, we make   communication, and it’s trust; but, more   back is the key  to achieving perfection.
      things possible, we create added value,   than that, it’s teamwork. We are empow-  To that end, we fundamentally want to
      we discover new things, we take respon-  ering each other, embracing account-  embrace change by becoming an agile,
      sibility, and we develop ourselves.    ability, and setting up ourselves, each   learning organization that is never afraid
                                             other, and Kloeckner for success. We   to challenge the status quo. As with the
                                             shouldn’t think of ourselves as manag-  success of the close call card program,
      At the heart of all of these values and   ers, but as coaches, who all have the   we will see failures as an opportunity
      principles is the common thread that we   capacity to be a model to those around   for learning and change. But, we also
      don’t become complacent. We wake up    us to be and do better.               embrace that learning and change are,
      in the morning ready to come to work                                         in and of themselves, the reason we
      and train. We train so that we can be                                        train everyday.
      nimble on the field, spot opportunities   Together, our values, principles, and
      for improvement, and make ourselves    core beliefs set up the foundation of our
      available to our colleagues, partners,   culture. Molding a company’s culture is
      and clients in ways that weren’t so obvi-  no easy task and it is our hope that by
      ous yesterday - embracing technology is   2020, Kloeckner’s culture will be second
      a fundamental part of that.            nature to all of us.

      On top of these values and principles   At the forefront of this is the concept of
      are our core beliefs. We believe in the   ONE Kloeckner. There may be 2,400
      safety and well-being of employees, in   of us spread across 46 branches, but

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