Page 42 - 2107 N Rough Creek Builder Binder for Owner.pdf
P. 42

performance standards.
                                                 2.  OTHER STRUCTURAL COMPONENTS
        STRUCTURAL            2.1  A defined structural component shall not   If a structural component of a Home cracks,   None.
        COMPONENTS               crack, bow, become distorted or   bows, is distorted or deteriorates such that
                                 deteriorate, such that it compromises the   it results in actual observable physical
                                 structural integrity of a Home or the   damage to a component of the Home, the
                                 performance of a structural system of the   Builder shall take such action as necessary
                                 Home resulting in actual observable   to repair, reinforce or replace such
                                 physical damage to a component of the   structural component to restore the
                                 Home.                         structural integrity of the Home or the
                                                               performance of the affected structural
        DEFLECTED             2.2  A structural component shall not deflect   If a structural component of the Home is   None.
        STRUCTURAL               more than the ratios allowed by the Code.  deflected more than the ratios allowed by
        COMPONENTS                                             the Code, the Builder shall to repair,
                                                               reinforce or replace such structural
                                                               component to restore the structural integrity
                                                               of the Home or the performance of the
                                                               affected structural system.
        DAMAGED STRUCTURAL    2.3  A structural component shall not be so   If a structural component is so damaged   None.
        COMPONENTS                damaged that it compromises the   that it compromises the structural integrity
                                  structural integrity or performance of the   or performance of a structural system of the
                                  affected structural system.  Home, the Builder shall take such action as
                                                               necessary to repair, reinforce or replace
                                                               such structural component to restore the
                                                               structural integrity of the Home or the
                                                               performance of the affected structural
        SEPARATED             2.4  A structural component shall not separate   If a structural component is separated from   None.
        STRUCTURAL                from a supporting member more than 3/4   a supporting member more than 3/4 of an
        COMPONENTS                of an inch or such that it compromises the   inch or separated such that it compromises
                                  structural integrity or performance of the   the structural integrity or performance of a
                                  system.                      structural system of the Home, the Builder
                                                               shall take such action as necessary to
                                                               repair, reinforce or replace such structural
                                                               component to re-establish the connection
                                                               between the structural component and the
                                                               supporting member, to restore the structural
                                                               integrity of the Home and the performance
                                                               of the affected structural system.
        NON-PERFORMING        2.5  A structural component shall function as   If a structural component does not function   None.
        STRUCTURAL                required by the Code.        as required by the Code, the Builder shall
        COMPONENTS                                             take such action as necessary to bring the
                                                               variance within the standard stated in
                                                               subparagraph (A) of this paragraph.

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