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Investerge brings a new approach to property
      investment driven by technology but embracing the
      way people interact, learn, do business and build
      knowledge. At the heart of Investerge is the drive to
      unify, educate and build a valuable business that
      supports all members and becomes their life long
      investment partner.


      The Investerge team are a highly motivated group of
      industry professionals with the goal to use the latest
      communications tools to provide a unique value to
      investors to add value and deliver information that
      leads to better business decisions                  Targeted

      IN-News                                             Investerge is focused on creating targeted relevant
                                                          information for members. This provides the property
      Knowledge drives good decision making and the       sellers with a highly efficient and focused way to find
      Investerge IN-News TV and media channel             investors without the use of expensive broadcast
      broadcasts daily to engage with investors and       advertising. One of the key attributes of the Investerge
      partners across social media. News, market reports   marketplace is its ability to direct confidential
      and in-sights combine to offer unbiased views       investment property opportunities directly to investors
      immediately to all members. Influencers, industry   that are ready to buy. For the professional investor this
      leaders and journalists are invited to contribute to   targeted approach will revolutionise working practises.
      the channel to ensure a balanced and international
      view of the market is provided.

                                                                       The real estate for property investment
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