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Cognitive Assessments
ECAT - Environment &
Communication Assessment
Toolkit. A supportive environment
is crucial to elderly residents abilities
to express needs and desires. This
evidence-based toolkit helps improve
functioning and communication by pro-
viding assessment tools and intervention
procedures. This person-centered kit will
identify activity performance deficits with quick yes/no questions, evaluate the environment to identify barriers and problems, and pinpoint individualized recommendations (over 300 provided) for intervention. Toolkit contains: 104-page manual, sequencing cards, gray scale contrast tool, reading test, reproducible assessment forms, CD-ROM, light meter, and sound meter.
0816-21-259 $490.35
Dementia Therapy & Program
Development. A step-by-step guide
to developing appropriate protocols,
this book includes directions for can-
didate identification, proper screening,
evaluation tools specific to this popula-
tion and goal banks. It describes how
to “stage” the client and how this
process drives goals and interventions.
Provides directions for writing an evaluation and overcoming fear of determining medical necessity for dementia programs. It addresses functional maintenance plans and the relationship between swal- lowing problems and dementia. Comes with reproducible forms and goal banks. 125 pages, spiral-bound.
0816-21-267 $113.50
(SCATBI) Scales of
Cognitive Ability
for Traumatic Brain
Injury. Reliable, valid
test of cognitive func-
tion is highly useful in
documenting severity of brain
injury in adolescents and adults and
in charting their progress. Its five subtests can be administered in 30 minutes to two hours. Scores on subtests can be compared to deter- mine areas of strength and weakness. Complete SCATBI Kit includes: Examiner’s Manual, Stimulus Manual, 25 record forms, Stimulus audio cassette, Stimulus card set and sturdy carrying case. ©1992. 9204-14 Complete set $421.80
9204-15 Record forms (25) $97.15
Sorting daily medicine
CPT – Cognitive Performance Test. Based on the Allen Cognitive Disability Theory, CPT is a standard- ized performance-based assessment developed
Washing hands
to determine baseline
measurements and track changes in global functions over time in individuals with Alzheimer’s Disease. Consists of seven sub-tasks that measure a person’s understanding of common ADL activities performed by adults such as sorting daily medications, shopping for appropriate sized and priced clothing, washing hands, preparing food, using the telephone, traveling from one location to another and dressing. Tracks changes over time. Standardized results and data are available.
5631-22 $646.70
SCCAN: Scales of Cognitive
and Communicative Ability for
Neurorehabilitation. The SCCAN
kit assesses cognitive-communicative
deficits and functional ability of
patients in rehabilitation hospitals,
clinics and skilled nursing facilities.
Appropriate for a broad range of neurological patients, SCCAN provides a measure of impairment and functional ability, and can be administered in 30 minutes. Also beneficial for speech language pathologists, neuropsychologists, psychologists and related rehabili- tation professionals.
The SCCAN’s main uses are to identify patients with neurocogni- tive and communicative impairment, to determine the severity of the impairment and to help establish appropriate treatment plans. Contents relate to daily activities that adults would be expected to perform for independent living with scales and a total score for oral expression, orientation, memory, speech comprehension, reading comprehension, writing, attention and problem solving.
The complete kit includes: an examiner’s manual, stimulus book, 25 examiner record booklets, 25 written response booklets and 25 report summary forms–all in a sturdy storage box. ©2012 0816-06-938 $360.45
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