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Speech Cognitive Activities
Cognitive Tasks
Attention Workbook sup-
ports processing, concentration,
discrimination, filtering and per-
sistence. 50 pages.
Memory Workbook develops
rote memory skills using rhythm
and rhyme, categorization, visual
imagery, reading comprehension and visual spatial memory tasks. 80
Problem Solving Workbook includes visual, verbal and mathematical problems used to stimulate fundamental problem solving. 50 pages.
4022-01 Attention Workbook $67.10
4022-02 Memory Workbook $67.40
4022-03 Problem Solving Workbook
Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition (TOMAL-2).
By Cecil R. Reynolds and Judith K. Voress. Includes delayed recall tasks for general and specific memory function needed for those who have mild head in- juries. Testing time: 30 minutes for core and 60 minutes for supplementary; administered
individually. Eight core sub-tests cover Verbal Memory Index, Nonverbal Memory Index and Composite Memory Index. Six supplementary sub-tests focus on Verbal Delayed Recall Index, Learning Index, Attention and Concentration Index, Sequential Memory Index, Free Recall Index and Associative Recall Index. Highly discernible, relevant scores. The most comprehen- sive coverage of memory assessment currently available in a standardized battery. Comes with Examiner’s Manual, Picture Books, Profile/Summary forms, Examiner Record booklets, Delayed Recall Cue Cards, Test Board and chips in sturdy storage box.
0815-64-277 $798.00
Activity Pillow. Therapeutic
tool that provides motor, visual
and tactile stimulation for adult
clients with Alzheimer’s and dimin- ished cognitive function. This 21”
x 15” x 1” padded mat includes a Velcro® fastening activity, buttoning, zipping, lacing and tying. A hidden musical microchip plays festive music. Can be securely attached via hook and loop closures to lap cushions, trays and overbed tables.
9203-96 $60.60
Assisting Survivors of Traumatic Injury. This book helps prepares graduate students and practicing speech-language pathologists to serve patients with trau- matic brain injury (TBI). It is organized into three sections: Understanding Traumatic Brain Injury, Understanding the Role of Speech- Language Pathologists and Understanding Reintegration. Contents include definitions, epidemiology, injury severity; the major dis- orders associated with TBI such as amnesia, cognitive-communication impairments and swallowing disorders; and guidance in tran- sitioning survivors into family, community, educational and vocational settings. 0816-06-953 $87.40
Living with an Acquired Brain Injury.
Designed for people who have recovered well enough from brain injury to prepare for a return to independent living. Uses a very accessible, easy-to-read format which takes into account various learning styles resulting from brain injury. The sessions can be completed entirely at the pace that best suits the user. Exercises and tips described in the book include: budgeting, reading and understanding bill terminology, route ori- entation, form filling and planning a nights entertainment. Includes a CD of compre- hensive, downloadable activities. 0815-65-613 $70.70
Call toll-free 1.800.323.5547
fax 1.800.547.4333

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