Page 82 - Laconia Rally News 2018
P. 82

   Our biggest cheering squad O
besides our visitors are our patrons. A
Laconia Motorcycle Week® Rally Patron
basically means that any business, organiza-
tion or individual who is a Rally Patron is a
big supporter of Motorcycle Week in Laconia. This means they like the people/motorcyclists/bikers, etc. that the Rally brings and they welcome them into their establishment with open arms!
Does that mean that any business that is NOT a Rally Patron doesn’t like the Rally and all of the visitors it brings? Maybe...that’s a good that should be answered before you spend your money with them. Why wouldn’t you become a Rally Patron to keep the Rally and its yearly visitors here locally, in beautiful Laconia?
A list of our Rally Patrons for 2018 are on pages 18-19. You can also find our Rally Patrons on our website, and you can easily spot the businesses that support the Rally by a Rally Patron sticker on their door/window. For more info, contact the Laconia Motorcycle Week® Association at 603-366-2000. Remember... sUPPOrT THOse WHO sUPPOrT THe rALLY!!! #
     Almost at the top!
Cover your custom parts. Parts such as chrome plating, a new paint job, saddlebags, or special rims usually increase the value of your bike. If you’ve added custom parts or equipment, make sure they’re protected.
Crowd at the 2017 Hillclimbs.
Henry announces the winner at the Hillclimbs in the mid 1990s.
Tip #9
Photo Courtesy:
Photo Courtesy: Michael Lichter •
Photo Courtesy: Michael Lichter •

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