Page 50 - Laconia MC Week 2020
P. 50

   Thoughts on Sturgis
E bySchultz
veryone knows how short the days are, even in the summer when the sun is shining longer. Spending time in Sturgis for the Rally just drives it home. I tend to spend 5 nights and 6 days there with never enough sleep at the campground, but I’m not complaining! I just keep trying to squeeze in as much as possible in each day.
Here are some of my suggestions, and note, they are just suggestions.
Watering Holes: It is hard to find quiet ones on Main Street, but worth any wait at The Oasis, The Side Hack, Easyriders, The Broken Spoke, and in Spearfish- The Back Porch. The Circle Bar in Belle Fourche is a relax- ing stop over with very pleasant staff.
  outTheCowboyStopin Interior, which is known as the biggest gas stop in town. A big welcome awaits all and they put in long hours there to provide an oasis in the Badlands.
Camping: Campgrounds are everywhere and there’s not enough room for ALL of you at my favorite spot. However, if you can get a reservation at Chris’ Campground in Spearfish – you should! It has been me and my tent’s home for over ten years now. They have great sites, two swimming pools, great views and yes- they allow campfires. Imagine that! If you don’t care about the
lack of campfires, Full Throttle, just east of Sturgis near Bear Butte would be my suggestion. They have a great set up there.
Personal Safety: It’s not easy to achieve a long life – you’re personal safety is paramount. Riding a motor- cycle doesn’t help the odds and we should all know that. But we can help ourselves and increase our odds by riding smart - Speed kills, it is just a fact. Watch for animals - day and night! Don’t ride with a buzz. Watch the weather, it can get mean very quickly. One more thing, Sturgis and Meade County put up
these annoying stop signs everywhere – make sure to keep both feet down at each stop. It can
get expensive if you don’t. That’s all friends.
Hope to see you on the road somewhere. In the meantime,
stay away from the centerline and Happy Trails! H
  Meals: Last year, the Grace Lutheran Church at 106 Sherman Street was closed
due to COVID-19. That was painful. Their “all you can eat pancake and egg breakfast” is
the BEST in town with the nicest staff and NO paper plates! For the rest of my meals, I go to The Millstone Restaurant in Spearfish. Since I am camping in Spearfish, it works out well, but any ride is worth going there. Great food, homemade desserts and the nicest staff. Some days they are open 24-hours and they do not raise their prices for the Rally.
Beautiful Badlands.
 Supplies and food shopping: The Grocery Mart at 2216 Junction Ave takes all the prizes! There’s lots of selections in all categories and they are open early and close late. It is also an easy in and out and that’s especially appreciated on your motorcycle. If you’re riding in the Badlands, check
      Riders unload their motorcycles off Amtrak in Minot, ND
for the ride to Sturgis. Sturgis - Friends at the Fort at Devil’s Tower.
Photo Courtesy: Schultz
Photo Courtesy: Schultz
Photo Courtesy: Schultz

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