Page 52 - Laconia MC Week 2020
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    COVID-19 Safety Protocols
The COVID-19 pandemic came in like a lion in 2020. The release of the vaccine has increased confidence for many, but there is still no sign of the virus leaving like a lamb. If 2020 taught us all anything, it is a renewed sense of the impor- tance of personal safety and responsibility. This past year‘s rally was postponed from June to August because of the uncer- tainty surrounding COVID-19; in an effort to maintain smaller crowds, the city of Laconia made the decision to limit outdoor vendors to local nonprofit organizations only. The Laconia Motorcycle Week Association’s focus then shifted from efforts towards increasing events and attendance to increasing public awareness on the importance of being mindful of health and safety measures, as recommended at that time by the CDC.
The Laconia Motorcycle Week Association took several specif- ic measures in order to help ensure public safety. We used print materials, such as posters, stickers, and over the road banners to remind locals and visitors to keep socially distant, mask up and sanitize/wash hands frequently. We also rented portable handwashing stations and sanitizer stations, which were spread out on and around the boardwalk of Lakeside Avenue, which is where the nonprofit vendors were set up. Overall, these efforts- combined with our local establishments increasing their sanita- tion protocols- were successful in keeping New Hampshire’s COVID numbers down.
Again, the virus is still significantly impacting our communi- ties across the country. The vaccine will continue to help, but we must remain vigilant on our efforts for personal safety and hygiene. To that end, the Laconia Motorcycle Week association will employ the same efforts we did in August of 2020 for this year’s rally in June of 2021. Once again, we will have signage prominently posted and handwashing and sanitizer stations dis- tributed throughout popular common areas. We will also con- tinue to encourage people to get on their motorcycles and ride, because riding truly is the best way to maintain social distance.
Thank you, to the city of Laconia’s Public Works Department for keeping our city clean and safe year-round. We also extend our gratitude to the New Hampshire Partnership for Public Health for all of their efforts in continuing to keep our commu- nity safe.
Healthy Practices to Help Avoid Becoming Sick (obtained from
• Clean your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds especially after being in a public place, or after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing
• If soap and water are not available use a hand sanitizer that con- tains at least 60% alcohol
• Stay home if you are sick
• Avoid traveling if your sick
• Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth with unwashed hands
• Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or
sneeze, then throw the tissue away; if you don’t have a tissue cough or sneeze into your sleeve in the elbow then wash your hands immediately after either
What is a Rally Patron?
Our biggest cheering squad besides
our visitors are our patrons. A Laconia
Motorcycle Week® Rally Patron basically
means that any business, organization or
individual who is a Rally Patron is a big
supporter of Motorcycle Week in Laconia.
This means they like the people/motorcyclists/bikers, etc. that the Rally brings and they welcome them into their establishment with open arms!
Does that mean that any business that is NOT a Rally Patron doesn’t like the Rally and all of the visitors it brings? Maybe...that’s a good that should be answered before you spend your money with them. Why wouldn’t you become a Rally Patron to keep the Rally and its yearly visitors here locally, in beautiful Laconia?
A list of our Rally Patrons for 2021 are on pages 48-49. You can also find our Rally Patrons on our website, and you can easily spot the
businesses that support
the Rally by a Rally Patron sticker on their door/window. For more info, contact the Laconia Motorcycle Week® Association at 603-366- 2000. Remember... SUP- PORT THOSE WHO SUPPORT THE RALLY!!! H
Wolly is Schultz approved.
        • Practice safe social distancing
Amsoil - one of our Proud Presenting Sponsors!
Photo Courtesy:John Bielawski Photo Courtesy: Laconia MC Week

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