Page 63 - Laconia MC Week 2020
P. 63

     Grocery Mart
2216 Junction Ave., Sturgis
605-423-4606 7AM–11PM during the Rally
Locally Owned
Get all your grocery needs for the Rally from our friendly staff!
       Jackpine Gypsies MC
Some of the best motorcycle
events during Sturgis are not at
a bar, concert, or on Main Street.
They are in fact, at the Jackpine Gypsies Motorcycle Club’s property located on Short Track Road, which runs along I-90 off of Lazell Street.
Here, you will find GREAT flat-track racing, tough Hill Climbs, and unreal MotoCross! This is a big part of what Sturgis is about. Real motorcycle events. The Gypsies also have their tent located here where you can buy their official Jackpine patches, pin.
More information is available at H
The majestic Devil’s Tower.
Patricia from AMSOIL takes a break on Main Street.
          Jerry Cole, Executive Future rider, Ethan, poses Director of the Sturgis The Road to Sturgis with his mom, Chanda. Rally, welcomes riders.
Photo Courtesy: Schultz
Photo Courtesy: Schultz
Photo Courtesy: Schultz
Photo Courtesy: Schultz

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