Page 65 - Laconia MC Week 2020
P. 65

    On the Road to Sturgis
         Don Hamme greets us in Erie, PA every year.
One of my favorite yearly overnight stops.
Leroy in Manchester, Iowa greets us on the road to Sturgis every year.
    S T U R G IS
Dudeman makes a statement. An oasis on the plains.
For years, I have tried to impress upon my friends that the destination is often not as important as the the ride to get there. I am a bit older now from my first ride to Sturgis back in 1976, but my motorcycle is much more comfortable and dare I say even more dependable. There were no cell phones or other distractions for drivers then compared to now. And certainly, now - people seem to be in even more of a hurry to get to their destinations. It’s OK. I accept the challenge.
The friends I’ve made on the road over the years are irre- placeable. They have become like family and I look for- ward to seeing them as much as I do hearing from them during the year. There is nothing like riding on a motor- cycle long distance. I encourage all who can to do so. I look forward to seeing you somewhere! H
Photo Courtesy: Schultz
Photo Courtesy: Schultz
Photo Courtesy: Schultz Photo Courtesy: Schultz
Photo Courtesy: Schultz

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