Page 69 - Laconia MC Week 2020
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No visit or vacation is complete without buying gifts to bring back home. Some of you have a list of requests, others think they know the perfect gift for each person, and then the rest have no idea what to do or what to bring home. Luckily, there is Rally Headquarters to the rescue! Laconia Motorcycle Week® features many ven- dors from all around the country and maybe even fur- ther. We would like to take this opportunity to also encourage you to buy souvenirs from Rally Headq- uarters, the home of the Official Products of Motorcycle Week! When you buy Official Products at Rally Headquarters on the boardwalk on Lakeside Ave., a portion of those proceeds goes right back to the
Motorcycle Week Association.
In 2021, we’ve made your shopping even
easier – TEAM Motorcycle Apparel, the
Official Merchandiser of the Rally, will be
all over the place also selling new designs of Official shirts – look for the logo!
We at the Association work all year long to ensure the longevity and successfulness of the Rally and we would like your help. Go ahead and shop ‘till you drop and make sure you’re buying Official Products to ensure that you’re favorite Rally keeps on comin’! H
Here’s a sample of how good the Official Laconia T-shirts look!
   age Hillclimb in the Weirs - June 15
Returning June 15, 2021 will be the thrilling Tower Hill Vintage hill climb on Tower Street in Weirs Beach. Due to the COVID pandemic in 2020, the Vintage Hillclimb at the Weirs was cancelled, but now returns for 2021!
Did you know that the original “Laconia” hill climbs were held on Tower Street right off Lakeside Avenue in the Weirs in 1916? That first hill climb on Tower Street in the early days of the Gypsy Tour, set the stage subsequent races. And, if you think the street is steep now, in the early days of the hill climbs, it was still a dirt road! Today, the challenging Tower Street is paved and remains a real spectacle of motorcycle sights and sounds as they climb the hill at speed.
Sometime after 1924, the AMA-sanctioned hill climb moved to the 70-meter ski jump at the Gunstock Mountain Resort. Toda,y the invitational vintage “Hill climb Exhibition” on Tower Street on June 15 will get you geared up for the Gunstock hill climbs later in the week.
Although the Tower Street hill may be paved now, it’s still as steep as ever! Starting from Lakeshore Road, riders will run for time up Tower Street. The “Hillclimb Exhibition” will again be hosted by the United States Classic Racing Association (USCRA). This unique and completely free event is definitely a blast from the past featuring vintage machines from 1916 to the late 1960’s! A 1916 Excelsior won the King of the Hill honors in 2019. Make sure to get there early for a good viewing spot along the Tower Street hill.
For more information on the United States Classic Racing Association, check out H 67
Making the climb at the 2019 Tower Hill expo.
Photo Courtesy: John Bielawski

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