Page 70 - Laconia MC Week 2020
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     Thunder in the Valley® June 24-27, 2021!
Returning for its 23rd rally this June, Thunder in the Valley® Motorcycle Rally in Johnstown, PA is bringing the party back after its cancellation in 2020 due to the pan- demic! The rally, located 60 miles east of Pittsburgh, will take place June 24-27, 2021 with headline entertainment that includes Hairball and Colt Ford. The “First Lady of Thunder,” Jasmine Cain, will also return with thrilling per- formances all weekend long. The rally will feature major manufacturers offering demo rides and plenty of vendors. Thursday night’s Lighted Bike Night Parade will give bik- ers a chance to show off their custom lights and The Grand Thunder Parade on Saturday afternoon will roar through downtown Johnstown.
Take time to tour everything that beautiful western Pennsylvania has to offer. Watch the Academy Award-win- ning movie, The Johnstown Flood, by Charles Guggen- heim at the Johnstown Flood Museum. Enjoy the Johnstown area’s aesthetic beauty as you ride to one of its National Parks-Allegheny Portage Railroad National Historic Site, Johnstown Flood National Memorial and the Flight 93 National Memorial (Somerset A.B.A.T.E. pro- vides guided rides to the Flight 93 Memorial). Head for the hills and take part in a variety of self-guided tours around the beautiful Alleghenies region. We promise it will be one “hill” of a ride! Please note this event is sub- ject to change. Please follow our Facebook page or visit our website for updates.
For more information on the rally, call Visit Johnstown at 1-800-237-8590, or visit H
       Motorcycles of all kinds are Welcome!
Jim & Warren show off the Laconia Rotary motorcycle raffle. Get your tickets TODAY!
     Shop around. Talk to your agent or insurer about Total Prices can vary from company to company, so shop around. Make sure you’re buying from a national carrier who offers spe- cialized motorcycle insurance. Don’t just add your bike to your car policy.
Tip #6
Photo Courtesy: W. Stephen Loughlin
Photo Courtesy: W. Stephen Loughlin

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